Kabhi khushi Kabhie gham.baby shower💕💕


After month..

obroi mansion..it's been a month arnav Khushi staying in obroi mansion.khushi now on her seventh month..she became very beautiful on her third trimester..tiredness and body pains are other chapter..but pregnancy glowing also spreads on her face like flower..everyone in her family pampering her like she is newborn..that's cause doctors warned her to not to do any stressful work because its triple pregnancy,.she must take very good care about her health and surrender..after doctor told that nobody let her do any single work..arundathi and rakesh appointed extra few workers to look after her every needs.and arnav took full responsibility of giving her all vitamins she needs to take..over all her pregnancy period going with full mood..now there just two more months to go..then both families first great grand children going to see the world..


It's a fine weekend day in obroi mansion..everyone settled on living room after having lunch..raizadas too present there..it's became tradition..every weekend both family gather in ones house..because Khushi being pregnant couldn't travel a lot ,raizadas visit obrois every weekends.after spending their weekends together they goes back..arnav slowly rest Khushi on sofa and make her lay on it comfortably..he took her legs on his lap and start to give her soft massage..everyone smile seeing he became complete devoted husband to his pregnant wife.its really nice to see they two like this.everyone chatting each other happily.then Nani said.

Nani: now Khushi enter to her third trimester..it's time to do her godhbarai..

arundathi: yes devayani..I spoked to panditji today morning about this..he selected three dates as good date..and one of is next week..I think we should arranged her godhbarai next week..

everyone smile hearing her and agree with her happily..everyone looking forward to celebrate her godhbarai joyfully..after long time there a function on their family.and its a joyful function..everyone looking forward to next week..


After few days ....arnav enter to their room looking after all arrangements for tomorrow godhbarai..when he stepped inside the room he shocked seeing the state of the room.there everywhere dresses laying down..and Khushi frustratingly still throwing all the dresses from wardrobe..he amazed seeing her antics and went towards her closely to ask what happened to his sweet wife..

Arnav: Khushi baby what happened to you..why this room look like hit by tornado..

Khushi:( annoying tone) it's not funny arnav..look at these dresses.its no more size of mine..everything brand new and I don't know what I'm going to wear tomorrow..(point one dress) I been thinking to wear that lehenga ,but now only I notice it's no longer my size..looking like I have to wear one of my maternity gown.god why I'm became thins much fat..I couldn't fit in my favourite dresses..

Arnav:(smile seeing her pout face) jaanu don't take stress about such a silly things..it's nothing to worry about..you should take enough rest to look fresh tomorrow..come lets go to bed..

Khushi:(worried tone) it's not a silly thing arnav..it's a big fat issue..it's about my appearance tomorrow..(dramatic look) just imagine whole mansion decorated like a bride and everyone dressed like stars ,but me sitting on swing wearing simple half length maternity gown..everyone will laugh at me..I will became laughing stock at my own function..oh how tragic.

He controlled himself from laughing seeing her scared face..she became very sensitive and dramatic on her pregnancy.its really cute to watch..but he can't laugh at her openly,he hide his laughing face and told her comforting way..

arnav: Khushi don't worry about anything..I'm here na..I'll take care of everything..you believe me right..just relax..now you just need to think about your function tomorrow..just think how much how our babies must be excited about tomorrow function..you just concentrate on it..I'll take care rest of the things...come baby..come lets go to bed..

She became calm down hearing his words..of course she trust her hubby..then she thought to do as he said..he slowly held her by waist and took her to bed..after comfortably resting her he switch off the lights and took the side beside her and went to sleep hugging her protectively..tomorrow going to be big day for all five of them..


Next day..whole obroi mansion getting ready like bride.its almost looking lije wedding venue..already raizadas reached to mansion and looking after arrangements with obroi..everyone working with big smile on their faces.

Upstair bavya and priyanka join with Khushi to apply mehendi on hands..they three applying mehendi chatting with each other..there four more hours for functions..until then they spending time with each other..Khushi enjoying all the moments from bottom of hearts..she gets more excited when she feel her babies little more active today inside the womb..their kicking feels gives her more happiness..she can understand her babies to enjoying the joyful surrender around them..but still she little worried about the dressing issue..arnav also nowhere to seen..he is busy on works,she really hopes he don't forget about her dress in busy time..thinking about it she talking with her sisters..

At evening..now it's time for Khushi to get ready..her mehendi all dried and ready to wash off..after washing her hands she smile seeing her both hands and legs darken deeper..it's looking really amazing..she came out from guest room and took step towards her bedroom..she been calling arnav from half a hour..but he not answering her calls..she opened her bedroom door tension way..but next moment surprised seeing the view front of her..

Her whole bedroom dark and only candle lights giving light to the bedroom..and her pathway decorated with rose patels and its looking awesome to view..she smile surprised way seeing all and slowly enter to room..she look around for the person who did all this..who else ,her darling husband only..then she saw him standing near pool side and looking her with soft smile..he slowly come towards her and hold her by waist..she asked him surprised way..

Khushi: arnav what's all this?

arnav: today your special day.and I want to make you feel special..I want to show you how much special you are today..

she smile hearing him.then he went behind her and hugged her from behind .then he showed her surprise he planned for her..she awed seeing the beautiful designer lehenga presented front of her in dummy..It's looking outstandingly gorgeous.its actually bridal lehenga..

he asked her on husky voice 'how is it' she look him with awed face and asked him surprised way..

Khushi: arnav it's really gorgeous..more beautiful then my wedding dress..totally stunning..

Arnav: I'm glad my sona like this..I personally designed this lehenga for you..I want you to wear this today..not only this ,today it's me who going to dress up you..I'll dress up my wife like bride on her baby shower..come..

He hold her hand and make her sit on dressing table chair..soon he started to do his magic her face and hair..he styled her hair to curly pin and pinned a red rose on ear which match her dress..after doing make up.he removed the dress from dummy and softly placed that on her body..she actually feeling like bride today..all glory and excitement..what's making her more excited and happy is her hubby getting her ready for her day..

Now she fully ready for her day..she look at herself on mirror and smile seeing her hubby magic on herself..she looking all glow up and almost looking like a model..then they hear a voice of ñani who asked her to come down..it's time for her to go downstair..then he softly hold her hand and took her to downstair.

Everyone downstair look at the couple with admiring smile..raizada and obroi ladies looking at Khushi with glowing eyes seeing her beautiful apperance..soon after she reached down arundathi applied kajal behind her ear..

Arundathi: nazar na lage meri bacchi ko..you looking like a fairy Khushi baba..

Khushi smile hearing her compliments..then arnav slowly took her to decorated swing and make her sit comfortably..soon band troop start to beat the dhol..everyone start to enjoy the function..everyone dancing happily ..sooner function went with full swing..


Here khabi khushi update too..soon this story will come to end.maybe on next episode.

Tell me how is the update and do keep checking the updates..


  1. Fab part waiting to c cute little munchkins

  2. Awesome
    Waiting for triplets
    N plz end with epilogue

    Plz start ur remaining stories which r lost

  3. It's really soo cuuute and lovely

  4. Awesome Update. Really adored the was Arnav showed his love. Waiting for their Angels to come & complete their family.

  5. Amazing Update

    Arnav never leave a chance to show how much he loves Khushi. Loved the way how he handled her about her worry regarding her dress for the baby shower and the way he dressed himself for the function.
    Eagerly waiting for their kids arrival.

  6. First of all welcome back and sorry for late reply
    I totally loved whole update
    Khushi's god bharai dress is fantastic and arnav himself making her ready is like cherry on top

  7. First of all welcome back and coming to the update its totally amazing yaar

  8. Awesome to read your writings again di❤️

  9. I heard u continuing to write ur stories I was happy and now I am waiting for u to complete ur stories I felt happy to read one of my favorite writers story

  10. Awesomeee, thank you for coming back! Look forward to the missing chapters


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