Claimed As His Woman.Chapter Ten.

At night. after having dinner with everyone she admires the night view on their terrace. she rarely comes here. the only place in Khanna's mansion that captured her heart. It was so peaceful and admirable. She recalled whatever happened this whole day. Somewhere she still couldn't believe anything at all. has she spent bedtime with him..she smiles thinking about his angry's easy to provoke him. Now her only hope is to fold every complication in this relationship and give a proper and meaningful name to their relationship. maybe it's not started on a good note. At least they can give good hereafter. She thinks it's only till Neha's delivery. after she gave birth all fit and fine. She can break her relationship with her family. that way she doesn't need to reveal Ragav's dirty deed to her. She doesn't care if he remains the perfect son of this family. now Amani knows the truth. and it won't be tough to make Neha understand this with Amani's help. when thinking about the future deeply she snapped out hearing Yuvaraj's voice.

Yuvaraj: you here Khushi.. don't you go to sleep?

He saw her standing all alone on the balcony lost somewhere. he tries to observe if there is any worry or sadness on her face. but she looked fine. In fact, She is more glowing than yesterday. he came towards her and waited for her reply.

Khushi: woh that sir..I mean Dad. just thought to admire the night view before going to sleep. it's such a nice view.

Yuvaraj: it is a nice view. (stare her ) And it's good to get a chance to talk with you alone. I want to talk to you about something. can you spare me a moment?

Khushi:(quckily) Anytime sir. (smile) I mean Dad. we have enough time to talk.

Yuvaraj: tell me honestly. are you happy with this marriage Khushi? 

She was stunned by his question. From where did that come suddenly she saw him looking at her with a demanding face. why did he ask that suddenly? Has he come to know anything? She tried to keep a normal face and told him with a soft smile.

Khushi: I'm happy with this marriage Dad. It can't be more perfect than this. I got married in the same house my sister married. It's a nice thing.

He saw how smartly she hid her real there is something wrong. She tries to avoid his integrating eyes. Suddenly he cupped her face and told her softly looking straight into her eyes.

Yuvaraj: Khushi remember one thing.if I come to know anyone. I mean any damn person tried to hurt you or your sisters. I won't sit quietly. even if that was Ragav. he would get the punishment for hurting you. if you ever feel uncomfortable or feel this is not the right life for you. just inform least give me a hint. I'll get you out of this marriage. Just don't suffocate yourself with unwanted responsibility. I don't care about anything. but you..your happiness is the most important thing to me. just don't push yourself to do something you don't want to do. I'm here for you. and will forever be. understood?

She was surprised by his talk. It's something unexpected. Why is he telling all that suddenly? And does he mean what he saying? She suddenly feels he gonna be a big support when she breaks the news about her relationship with Aranv to her family.. he tells her everything from the depth of his heart. he meant every word he said. for her happiness. Anything is possible. he smiled seeing her innocent puzzled face..he kissed her forehead tenderly and left the place after wishing her good night. There was no hidden sexual feel or lust in's just an outcome of his deep love for her. She looks at his retreat figure with a faint smile and hopes for everything to come to an end soon.


Next day. Khushi is excitedly getting ready to go office. she can't wait to see Arnav. For a change today she wore an anarkali salwar and braided her hair to a fishtail style

took a lot of work to hide the marks on her neck side. he made her work double. after being satisfied with her look. She is about to go out. but she stopped moving and saw Nehaenters in to room with a joyful smile. Khushi smiled seeing her sister's happy face.

Khushi: Neha you you want something?

Neha:( held her hand and sat on the bed with her ) I don't want anything. I want to give you something.

She slowly took a box from the bag she holding. Khushi amazed to see it's was a beautiful necklace with matching earrings. She looked at her with wonder. Neha smiled and told her with a soft smile.

Neha: di I know how ambitious and independent person you are. you never planned to get married this sooner. (sigh lowly) it's because of me your life changed unexpectedly. I'm somewhere sincerely sorry about that. You got married suddenly because of me. I was worried thinking about how your life gonna be. but I'm really happy now. seeing you living happily with Raghav Jiju. all of my worries calmed. he genuinely loves and cares about you a lot. and I want to thank you for taking such a big step to give me the life I dreamed of. it's never possible without you. here everyone accepted me because of you. You are the reason for my happy married life..thank you so much di. I wish we stay dear to each other till our last breath. Let our children too have the same bond we share. I love you di. I love you a lot.

She hugged Khushi tightly feeling overwhelmed. She got all emotional about how hard time it was when Khanna's family opposed her marriage to Rajiv. They are not ready to accept her. but she got high hopes when Parvin informed if Khushi agreed to marry Raghav. she could marry Rajiv. She knows how selfish it is to force her sister to do something she does not approve of. but she still does that for herself. At that time she only thought about herself and her unborn baby. after lots of emotional blackmail and the worst health state, she agreed to marry. but after everything was over. she felt guilty about her selfishness. but it's soon eased seeing how happily she living with ragav. There is nothing to feel guilty about it when nothing goes wrong.

Khushi hugged her back with a helpless smile. only she knows how happily she living her married life. she knows Neha's nature from childhood. She takes the sentiment as a weapon when she needs something. and she thinks she doesn't know about it. she just pretended to not know because of the promise she made to her mother on her deathbed. her mother promised her she would always look upon her sister's happiness in every situation. Her happiness is secondary. Their happiness and well-being must be her priority. It's kind of unfair. but what to do. She got used to sacrificing everything for that. She feels now it's okay as she has arnav now to give priority to her happiness. She broke the hug and smiled at her. then Neha tells her.

Neha: this a small gift from me and Rajiv for your wedding. I thought to give it earlier. but didn't get the correct time. You should wear that. it will look beautiful on you.

Khushi: thank you, Neha. It's indeed beautiful and will wear it.

She smiled hearing her. then they both came it of the room. Khushi helped her to get to her bedroom. after getting her she left for work.


At AR..

Arnav working with a little happy smile on his face. His whole self was refreshed after his amazing day with her yesterday..he now waiting eagerly for her arrival.his thoughts broke when Vijay entered to cabin after carrying a poker expression on his face and Arnav finds it's something not good news..when he tries to speak. Arnav quickly told him.

Arnav: oh no no. I know that face of yours. It's bad news. I'm in a good mood now. Don't spoil it. save your news for later.

Vijay: argh but ASR.whatever I come to know it's something you should know sooner than anything. it's about Khushi.

Arnav was alerted hearing her name. Now what's the new blast? he noticed how uneasy Vijay looking right now. It piss him when thinking there was something really bad coming. then Vijay talked seeing his glare.

Vijay: woh ASR. As you asked I tried to know what is Parvin Khanna's motive behind marrying Khushi to Ragav. It turns out that she has a big reason to do that...(after a pause) Yuvaraj Khanna happens to have feelings for Khushi. he loves her ASR.

"WHAT THE FUCK" Arnav jerked out of the chair hearing the mind-blasting news. What the hell was that? Unbelievable shock and fury were written on his features. Vijay stared at his ASR form with guilty eyes. This was exactly what he expected.

Arnav: what the hell are you saying damn it. Yuvraj Khanna. damnit isn't he almost her father's age? Are you sure Vijay?

Vijay: even I don't believe it. but it's double confirmed after I came to know he planned to propose to her after he returned from a business meeting. Parvin used his absence to marry her off to Ragav. but poor soul Khushi. doesn't have any idea about all this.

Arnav: god that Khanna family is filled with cheap-minded people. what is he thinking? Will he propose to her if that marriage doesn't happen? Is he even for real?

Vijay looks at him aplozie way. Arnav doesn't have any idea how to take this on. this is something he never guessed or never imagined something like that. Now only one thing crossed his mind.

Arnav: Vijay I need to get her out of that house ASAP. Start to prepare the plan we already planned on this issue.

Vijay: but ASR. you asked to wait more, didn't you? there is something you wanted to do along with this.

Arnav: I don't care about anything right now Vijay. I want her in my house as soon as possible. if it is tomorrow. it will be better.

Vijay somewhere agrees with him. She should get out of that house as soon as possible. when he is about to ask something. Arnav's intercom rang. the receptionist informed me that Raghav had come to meet him. then he entered after Arnav ordered him to come. he slowly enters to cabin. both Vijay and Arnav shared a look seeing his gloomy face. he kind of looks all worn out. they already guessed something unexpected going to come. he took a seat and greeted him with a dull voice.

Ragav: hello ASR.sorry I don't without a notice. it's kind of urgent. hope you understand.

Arnv: it's okay. I have a few minutes of my time to spare for you. Tell me. what's so urgent to talk.

Ragav: (passed a look on Vijay) ASR it's something personal. I want to have a private talk with you.

Arnav:(Vijay is about to walk away. but he stops him) It's okay Mr. Khanna. he knows everything about our deal. there is nothing he doesn't know. just don't mind him.

Ragav: (gulps his nervousness) Is it so? then it's okay. ASR I come here to..cancel our(gulp) deal!!

Arnav was stunned to hear his reply. now that's indeed shocking. he shared a silent glance with Vijay who had the same expression on his face. After composing himself Arnav asked him in a cold tone.

Arnav: and may I know what's the reason behind this sudden change of mind? I mean you are all over it to get the deal. then what happened suddenly?

Ragav: I do ASR. I still's because of my father. when I agree to this deal. I didn't give a thought to his reaction. if he comes to know about how I got this deal. he will kill me for sure. I mean he will know that for sure when Khushi leaves the house with you. (he gulped) he kind of adores her a lot. it will be a really tough thing for me to escape from him. that's why I decided to cancel the deal. when I thought it was money or life. I choose my life. (nervous chuckle) I mean I need to be alive to enjoy the money right? I hope you understand.

Arnav clearly can see how terrified he looks right now. it's kind of funny. but a little bit he knows it's even too tough to break a deal with the ASR.

Arnav: hmm. I can understand. but you see. Khanna, There are the kinds of policies I have personally on the deals I sign. I never give a chance to break deals that easily. and in your case. we signed an unusual deal right. if I understand correctly you now refusing to give up on Khushi. am I right?

Ragav: yeah. I can't give divorce to her now. I will be hanged death if my father comes to know any of this. my whole life will be destroyed ASR.

Arnav:(sarcastic tone) Huh ah. but how are you going to live with the woman you already divorced? 

"What" Ragav confused cum stunned hearing his reply.his whole body trembling feeling there was something big incoming. A winning smirk played on Arnav's face seeing his nervous face. Vijay too has the same smirk. Then Arnav took out a file from the drawer and pushed it towards his side. Raghav took out the file moment completely dumbfounded he saw the biggest revelation. There were divorce papers filed neatly and he already signed them. he looked at Arnav with complete shock and asked him out of big shock and anger.

Ragav: what the hell is this ASR? When did I sign these divorce papers? This is never happened. I never signed this.

Arnav:( shush him) Calm down mr.khanna.and keep your volume down when you are around me. remember you are now at my place. about the's signed by yourself Mr. Khanna..remember the papers you signed when you finished the deal with me. it was this paper only.

Ragav:(unbelievably shocked and angry) This is cheating ASR. You scammed me into this. I only signed the contract papers. not the divorce papers.

Vijay: hello Mr. Khanna. Mind your words. Who are you calling a scammer? it's not our mistake you didn't read the papers before signing up. It will be good if you guard your tongue.

Arnav:(calm smile) Let's not mind him, Vijay. let's give him a chance. after all, he needs to read other things too right?


A horrified expression was visible on Ragav's face when hearing Arnav's words. What is that supposed to mean? he flips the papers hurriedly to read the next things.

Arnav: ha it will take a while. Vijay, how about you give him a short explanation? and make sure he understands every word very clearly.?

(Saying that he starts to have his coffee looking at him playfully)

Vijay:(grins playfully) Sure ASR. Mr. Khanna. as per the contract of the 500c redevelopment project policy agreement. If you withdraw yourself from the contract or refuse to complete the project within the days we finalized. as compensation you have to settle half of the money of the project value for wasting our time. means you have to pay 250c as compensation money. and if you are incapable to settle the money or go against the deal. Arnav Singh Razada has the full right to get your share from Khanna's net worth..and put you behind bars if you disagree with any of this. I hope I'm very with my explanation.

Ragav fell on the chair with a thud hearing the unbelievable truth. he didn't breathe or not even flinch his eyes. The truth was too shocking for him to handle.250c's not a small number for god sake. after a whole minute of silence, he finally asked him with a dead face.

Ragav: why..why did you trap me inside this ASR? We never had any enmity. than why? Why such a huge trap ASR?

Arnav:(slowly gets up) It's really small compared to the trap you set for Khushi. Your mother married her to you to save her marriage. and you married her to hide your impotent self. and even got her to sleep with me using her love for her sister. when you two can use her as a pawn to achieve your guys, then why can't I use this way to get her out of that hell house of yours? I somewhere guess you will turn the table after achieving what you want. this was one of the options. but I never expected you to come to this sooner. That's's better sooner than later.

Ragav feels like he drowning in the cold river of Atlanta facing the whole Arnav knew everything from the beginning. he acted a fool thinking he hiding everything how is he gonna face it? . how is he gonna handle this whole fiasco? he told arnav almost begging way.

Ragav: ASR, please. my father will kill me If he comes to know any of this. I won't be alive to face all this.

Arnav(deadly smirk,) and you thought it was a simple escape from my side. I will rip you apart and throw your flesh to street dogs if you back off from this. You are already divorced from her and she doesn't have any connection with your family. It's better if you tell them your family so soon rather than later. because I already decided to get her within days. make it sooner. otherwise, I will outpass your father by not letting you see the next understood Raghav Khanna.

Ragav's inner self pictured him as a deadly mafia seeing how dangerously he threatening. It was a hang-or-die moment. There's no escape from both sizes. he slowly got up from the chair and left the place silently. both glance at his retreat figure. after making sure he left. Vijay asked Arnav with a suspicious tone.

Vijay: I don't feel good about this.what if he again blackmails Khushi to do something? you know he's manipulative. he's up to no good.

Arnav: he is manipulative and he will try something again on Khushi knowing well how sensitive she is about her sisters. and her my delicate doll will fall into his trap again. (, determine tone) The wait is over. Let him go to hell. I'm gonna get her today itself.

Vijay totally agrees with his decision. Arnav breathed out a few times and then realized something quickly.

Arnav: and where is she right now? Why hasn't she reached yet? Isn't she supposed to be here already. (, shook head) enough of this hide and seek. give me the keys.

Vijay handed over his car keys. Arnav soon marched out of the cabin and took his vehicle to reach Khanna's mansion.


Ragav enters his house like he is possessed by a ghost. there is still shock written on his face. he still didn't come out from the shock. In that state, he reached to hall..but he completely missed noticing the joyous faces of his family members..soon he starlet when Rajiv hugged him. he told him something but nothing reached his ears. he wondered now what this new drama was. than dadi feed him sweet and he asked her with bored face and tone.

Ragav: dadi now what are these new fiascos? 

Dadi: aree my darling is news to celebrate. YOU ARE GOING TO BE A FATHER !!!!

"What" Now that's another hardball shot straight to the head. holy Jesus..breath clogged on his throat hearing the unexpected news. and soon his legs started to dance out of fear seeing the deadly glare his father passing towards him. wow. it's just great..nobody can save him from getting slaughtered now ..when he tries to say something.his heartbeat stopped hearing the voice he didn't want to hear right now.

"What the"


Offfo first episode in blogger.hope it's awesome episode to welcome you all to blogs.

So how is the episode ?

Totally unexpected right.even I thought it suddenly.i decided to finish the hide and seek and give arnav his woman properly . that's something house blasting arshi gonna react for this? Especially how arnav gonna react for it?

Lots of more twists and turns comings.keep reading and do support me excatly how you guys supported me on the's will be means a no only one work.just comments whatever you guys feel and suggests.

Next episode depends and this episdes maximum comments and views.


  1. Hope Khushi supports Arnav and goes wit him. If she again starts thinking about her sister, she is going to hurt him.

  2. Hope he stays with her

  3. Superb I hope Kushi support Arnav

  4. I hope she support arnav

  5. Hope Khushi show her lioness side and goes with Arnav and don't bother with her selflessness because from the way Neha speaks it seems she's a selfish woman so this time around khushi needs to choose her happiness above everyone else ,enough is enough and she deserves to live a happy life with Arnav and their baby.

  6. If Khushi choose to stay in that house then she's an idiot because no woman will choose a unhappy life over a happy life.

  7. Awesome update ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ

  8. i loved, please update soon

  9. Woahh
    This turn is really something unbelievable
    Excited for the next one's

    1. Yes too excited for the next episode…

  10. Awesome twist in the story. Hope kushi's character s not tarnished amongst this fiasco... can't wait to see Arnavs reaction and how he feels hearing her pregnancy.

  11. Tha above comment from me

  12. Unexpected twist..

  13. Amazing Update
    That was unexpected twist. Arnav for sure will fight for Khushi, hope Khushi also support Arnav and choose her baby and her happiness this time and leave the house with Arnav and not give in thinking about Neha because she can and have to handle to her own problem.
    Eager for the next one.

  14. Amazing update plz continue soon

    1. Are u wattpad writer.... Woh dillagi story writer......

  15. Awesome!! A request don't separate them and make Khushi less sacrificial please.

  16. What an unexpected twist man, I didn't expect this one very soon waiting to c what arnav is going to do now what will be the family reactions especially yuvi reaction. Will neha nd amani support kush in this or not. Loved this part sweety

  17. Hope khusi goes with Arnav leaving the hell. Publish the next part soon๐Ÿ’ž

  18. Wow.. Amazing update.. Hope khushi will this time choose herself over her sister and go with arnav

  19. Will it be ok for khushi to come out of the house and be with arnav forgetting her so called selfish sister neha

  20. Fantastic update I think arnav and khushi both will support each other nd moreover I think khushi is not pregnant it is all a scene created by her evil mom in law

  21. No doubt khushi pregnancy is house blasting news๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ but it's good to see that arnav is not going to even wait for one more day and get khushi out of the hell house I.e Khanna house.can't wait to read next part. Please update it soon.
    Waiting for arshi to meet each other.

  22. Please please ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅบ update fast please update ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ can't wait for update fast please please

  23. I'm damn sure that Arnav will move heavens to have Khushi by hisside, especially after this news ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿค

  24. Awesome update dear...hope kushi support Arnav dear....

  25. Plzzz update next ch soon๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅบ

  26. Madhurao1210@yahoo.comNovember 4, 2023 at 10:07 AM

    Superb update...
    Totally loved arnav and Vijay are well prepared...
    Raghav is like chameleon...

    Like the way arnav deal with raghav..

    Hope khushi don't sacrificed her happiness now...
    Arnav take her with him ...

    Eagerly awaiting

  27. Awesome update loved it soo much ❣️ Eagerly waiting for next part.... I hope Khushi don't sacrifice her happiness for her sister's sake atleast now... Arnav take her with you from this hell of a house

  28. Loving it even more now… I know he’s going to get her out of there now thats she’s pregnant… Can’t wait to read more.

  29. Eagerly waiting for next update

  30. Hello dear, Loved this... part eagerly waiting for next update!!

  31. Awesome update. ❤️❤️


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