Kabhi khushi kabhie gham..wedding shock 💕💕

Today is another big day for both obroi and raizada family..their relation going to be more strong after today..raizada mansion getting ready for the big day with hustle bustle..all of them getting ready happily for this day..now all set for the marriages..everyone getting ready with their own happy mood..

At akash room..arnav enter to his room to help him on getting ready..he already made arjun ready with help of Shyam..now he come to help his other brother..when he come to room he saw akash sittings on bed thoughtful way without getting ready..arnav confused to see him like this..he even didn't realised arnav's presence in room..arnav move towards him and call him worriedly..

Arnav: akash!!

Akash:(snap out) bhai..aap..

Arnav: what happen akash..why you sounding low? Is everything okay..is there something bothering you?

Akash: no bhai..I'm okay..just thinking about the marriage..

Arnav: don't worry..everything will happen perfectly the way you wish..if you worried about our family members then don't worry..there nothing wrong with them..along with arjun's marriage now they getting ready for your marriage too..when you both start to live with them,time will change everyone view on you both akash..just don't worry..this is your day..you must be happy forgetting everything..

Akash: thanks bhai..do you think whatever I do,I'll take the right decision?

Arnav: of course you will..I believe whatever you choose for your future is always correct..no matter what I'll always stand for you..

Akash:( suddenly hugged him) thanks bhai..thank you so much..this is what I wished to hear right now..hereafter I know what I need to do..thanks for being with me always..

Both brothers shared a hug..somewhere arnav feel there little fishy on Akash reply.but he didn't take it seriously knowing he is now feeling the marriage fear..then he start to help akash on getting ready..after making him ready fully he left to his own room to get ready..

When he come back to his room..his heart instantly call out khushi's name..right now missing is small word to describe how much he missing his wife now..he really missing her terribly...this is first time they were apart after marriage..this one day feel like one year to him..the whole room filled with her rose aroma..but in missing way he didn't forget about the trouble he kept holding..still he didn't reveal  what actually adithya pinned on his diary..it's being most worst moments in his life..but he really hope when he tell the truth behind adithya's diary ,khushi handle the calmly without bringing another storm between guptas and obrois..then last night decided,if destiny playing with him to not tell khushi about this now,he decided to reveal about the diary to khushi after marriage..she will understand as even she won't like to bring any issues middle of her sister wedding..with so many thoughts he got ready wearing peach colour shervani which matches his wife outfit today she going to wear..after getting getting as usual dapperly..he went to look after his brothers..


At obroi mansion...like in groom house ,here bride's house too shinning with the happiness and excitement..last night priyanka's family arrive to obroi mansion and joined to occasion..they all happy about joining together for another marraige..all getting ready on their room..

Here in bavya's room..both khushi and priyanka try to calm bavya who completely fall to hyper fall and not ready to come up..

Khushi: bavya I'm telling you..there nothing gonna happen wrong..everything so perfect the way you perfect.,I really don't know why you getting hyper like this..

Bavya:( passing around tensionly) didi you won't understand my point,.what if something go terrible at the moment..what if I fall down when I took phere with arjun..what if my skirt loose off when I'm walking on the venue..what if I puke on the venue out of nervous..didi I'm so nervous..

priyanka:( unbelievable look) like really bavya..what a weird nervous you have..there nothing such a things going to happen..you just getting nervous unnecessarily..

Khushi(same tone) exactly..there nothing such a things going to happen baby..everything gonna happen perfectly the way you wish..this is biggest day of your life baby sister..and you must enjoy the day with happy mind..not with such a weird puking thoughts..just relax and feel the day..

Priyanka: khushi didi is right bavya..there nothing to worry about..( sarcastic tone) and if you still fearing about puking in mandap then  I'll come with a dustbin..you can throw up all your puke to bin..how much you want..now happy?

Khushi giggle hearing her statment..bavya glare her with pouting face..then soon all three sisters shared a happy laugh..then bavya feel calm about the situation and start to think positive about the day..then soon both khushi priyanka start  make their sister ready for her big day..khushi did her hairstyle and priyanka did her makeup...they dress up her like a princess..her wedding lehenga is simply beautiful..and what's make her more excited about her dress is,,it's was khushi who designed her wedding outfit..she feeling more happy about it..after who one hour..finally both sister make the bride ready fully..after sharing few sister kisses and hugs priyanka khushi went to their own rooms to get ready after leaving bavya with some of their friends..


Kamini enter to priyanka's room to check her up..she saw priyanka sitting on bed thoughtful say looking something on phone..soon after seeing kamini she smile at her happily and try to hide the tears stains on her eyes..kamini look at her with hurt face and asked her in motherly tone..

kamini: you don't need to hide those tears from me prinku..cause I know the reason behind this tears..are you okay about all this?

priyanka:(broken smile) I won't lie to you saying I'm all fine..of course I'm not fine..but I'm pretend to be fully okay..because I don't want my broken state cause any problems in my sister wedding..it's true when I enter to raizada mansion,I been on the full form to make akash mine even if he don't want to..but after staying there..I realised many things kamini maa..you can't make someone loves you forcefully..and you should not try to change the destiny...( tears falls) if God not written my name with akash's I must accept the reality even if I don't want to..but in the last moment I come to know akash also feels something for me deeply..that's enough for me now..at least I come to know he feels little bit of spark on me..that's enough kamini maa..today he going to be better half of someone else..I should not interfere in their life anymore..thats not me..that's not what my sister taught me..it's time to say goodbye to my feelings for akash..

kamini:( hugged her with emotional tears) God always means to the people who love someone truly..he always make pairs who is unmatchable..I don't know what to say..right now I'm seeing my own self twenty five years ago..the same broken girl who mend her broken heart very hardly after losing her love to someone who is totally don't deserve him..I give you the moral support in this wishing at least you get your love..but it's repeated again( break the hug and cupped her cheek) yeah it's true..now we can't change anything..it's will be good if we move from this hurtful ride..(wipe her tears) now come downstair after fresh up yourself..and be happy truthfully without pretending..don't push away the happiness you deserve..

Priyanka smile hearing her..kamini smile and kissed her on forehead with motherly touch..then she left from there after giving priyanka last hug..priyanka took out a long breath and did final touch up to join the family..


Khushi sitting on her room after getting ready..some lonely tears falling out of her eyes emotionally..she softly cares her papas photography on her hand..don't know why today she terribly missing him..she smile with tears caressing adithya's smiling face photo..there many years passed..but still the pain of losing him so fresh on her heart..her papa..her first love..she can never erase his memories from her heart..

Khushi: today I really miss you so much papa..I really need you here with us ...your baby princess  getting married today..bless her papa..bless her happily the same way you keep blessing us all these years..we really need your blessings..showering your blessings upon as like a angel you are..love you papa..love you so much..

She kiss his photo with lots of emotions and hugged his photography tightly to heart..she wipe her tears with smile and keep his photo on bed table..like always she believe her papa heard her and will bless them happily..after weeping her tears.she did small touch up and went to downstair after fully ready..


Now all ready to go to venue..obrois did some rasam before driving off..after all rituals fulfilled everyone board to cars and left to raizada mansion..

After twenty minutes drive who obroi family reached to venue grandly..the raizada ladies who standing on the entrance with broad smile welcome them happily..all the guests look at the bride with admiring today..today bavya looking extremely gorgeous with her fullest smile..when she come near the mandap same time arjun come down with arnav all ready to take her to mandap..both look each other with happy smile..arjun slowly forward his hand and asked her hand to hold forever.bavya hold his hand happily..then soon arjun took her to the mandap decorated for them..everyone smiling seeing the couple..but there another couple who lost on their own world and that is our arshi..arnav staring khushi admiring way,she too doing the same..he completely fall looking her in that peach designer saree which matching his shervani..then he slowly took step towards her..when they standing together..there no any other couple can beat there chemistry..he hold her by waist and pull her towards him closely..then both focus on their siblings wedding..

Yeah arjun bavya's wedding happening before payal akash..and it's not raizadas plan..it's their family pandit who told them to not to do the both weddings on same time..so after bavya arjun wedding finished..next wedding was his..then both bavya did all the pre rituals..when pandit called the sister ,anjali went happily and tied their both duppatta happily,,soon they both took phere and everyone showered flowers on them..after taking the seven pheres..arjun tied the mangalasustra around bavya's neck and filled her maang with sindoor..soon pandit announced now they both husband and wife...everyone showered flowers on them...arundathi and rakesh smiling with happy tears seeing their other granddaughter to marry off..now they both feeling so happy..then newlyweds took blessings of elders..after taking everyone blessing ,they both took seat on the decorated sofa arranged for them..same time mandap got ready for the second wedding..it's time for akash payal to get marry..after few minutes guptas reached to venue and got welcomed by raizadas..payal come to everyone attention wearing Apple brown colour lehenga outfit..she smile at everyone and look at the surrender happily..that time Nandini look at bavya emotionally who sitting on sofa with arjun as couple..right now everyone thought is to not to spoil the moment with unnecessary hate heat..so even obrois been cool around the guptas..then pandit told raizadas..

Pandit: please ask the dulha to come..it's correct time for them to step on mandap..

Priyanka tight her heart hearing his words..so there just minutes to go..soon he going to be husband of payal..she chanted herself to not let out her emotions..she hold her happy face bravely and decided to witness everything with courage heart..hearing pandit words anjali and Shyam come forward to call akash..but when they try to take step everyone look at the scene with mixed reaction..highly it's shock and confusion..

Akash coming down wearing normal suit with determine face..everyone looking him surprised way..he came down and stand in front of all..mostly shocked ones was guptas who can't judge what's this supposed to mean..to break the silence anjali asked him surprised  way..

anjali: akash what is this? why you not wearing your wedding outfit..you can't marry like this..go come back wearing your shervani..

Akash:( after big sigh) I DON'T WANT THIS MARRIAGE !!!!

Everyones mouth hang out soon after hearing his statement..everyone looking him with most shocking face you ever seen..raizadas obrois looking him with both shock and unbelievable look..guests start to mummer hearing his words..and of course most shocking people is Gupta family..they can't believe what did just they heard..payal got statue hearing his statement..then mami hardly came ot from the shock and asked him almost yelling..

mami: hello hai bye bye!!! What the hell are you saying? are you on your sense? do you have conscious about what you just saying?

Akash: ( deeply apology tone) I'm really sorry maa..I know how much I hurt you all because of my decision to marry payal..but now I realised my mistake maa..and I'm telling you all with full sense..I don't want to marry payal..

Shock after shock everyone getting with his words..no one can understand what to said..all of them got struck on their own shock..thankfully Shyam send off the guests quickly sensing whatever happening it's good to avoid the crowd..now there just family members..then buaji come forward with angry face and asked akash angrily..

buaji: hare nandakishore...what's all this means? kya you too take our respect and love for fun..we are not any jokers to entertain you all with our self respect..how can you play with my payaliya heart like that..don't you fight with your whole family to marry her..then why you doing this suddenly like a coward..

Akash: ( strict voice) I'm not doing anything out of mind or cowardly..actually now I'm come to my full sense..all those days I been stupid believing your daughter fake personality..it's now I realised how much big stupid I have been all those days..

Buaji eyes wider hearing his reply..then she felt something is gone wrong..everyone following the silence hearing akash conversation with guptas..right now they not in the state to go to middle talk..payal who all the time standing shocked got huge anger hearing akash's reply..she marched towards him and hold his collar angrily..Nandini try to stop her but buaji stopped her act..akash looking payal firmly..

Payal:( yelling tone) what did you say..what did you just say..fake personality really..when I was been fake to you..at what point I make you feel my loves for you fake..you cannot break me like this..I demand to know why you changed your mind..why you saying my love for you is fake..

Akash:( strong yelling voice) because that is the truth..your love for me fully fake was from the beginning..you never loved me truly the way I loved you.do you remember for what exactly you accepted my love..you accepted my love saying you want to give your amma her daughters back..you told me your biggest wish is to join the both families..but I never know all these words are just to impress me..you're actually not the girl I loved..in reality you're someone who completely different from that girl ..I loved the payal who always wanted her sisters love,who wished to untie the both families for the peace..who only expected love from obrois..in the reality is your reason to join obrois family not for their love,,it's actually for their wealth...you want to live the same luxury queen life both khushi bavya living..you always want to be like them..but you never got that chance as obrois not ready to accept you all..that's why you used me as trump card to live a luxury life..don't you dare to deny because I know everything and I heard whatever you talk to your buaji about your dream to became a raizada bahu..(slapped himself repeatedly few times) I'm such a big fool to fall on your trap easily.I'm the biggest fool to believe whatever you said..I hurt my whole family for you..I went against everyone believing you loves me truly even when they try to tell me your reality..I stood for you all the time..but when I realised all the time I been supported someone who actually just cared about my luxury..now also you're not angry because I broke the marriage,you're angry because I mashed your dream to be queen of raizada mansion..now before I do something harsh go from here..

Everyone goes completely numb hearing his angry feeling words..they totally didn't expected something like this..and from the beginning its priyanka who seeing everything with complete utter shock..the way she imagined today something heartbroken for her..she keep clutching heart to see the heartbreaking scene..but right now completely different twist happening here..hearing all things from akash mouth,she actually don't know how to react..her face just showing the blank expression.and other side payal utterly shocked and scared hearing akash outburst..she can see her forever dream falling down little by little,.she cannot let him break her dreams..she quickly cupped his face and told him crying way..

Payal: you misunderstand me akash..I really loves you..my love for you never fake.please akash don't do this to me..i love you.you loves me..please don't break me like this..lets get married akash..please don't do something you will regret later..

Akash:( confident smile) I won't payal..don't worry about it..actually if I marry you even after knowing your true intentions,then I will definitely regret that..and don't ever question my love for you in past..I truly loved you but not anymore..so it's will be good if you leave my house without creating more scenes..

She start to cry harder hearing his final decision..guptas crying seeing their daughter broken state..they can't defend her knowing whatever akash saying fully true..today everyone witnessed the harsh reality of greediness...Nandini slowly come forward and helped payal to get up who crying holding akash legs..she try to take her away..but payal refused to akash..then mami come forward and forcefully removed payal's hold from his dress..

Payal: akash..no akash...you can't do this to me..you loves me..don't do this..akash....

Nandini shashi hold her tightly from going to akash..they took her out of house after greeting everyone tearfully..this is something they afraid might be happend..but they thought the result will be seen after marriage,but everything come to end in mandap..they can't question raizadas as whatever happened it's all because of payal..so there no use of fighting with them..it's will only bring more shame to them..

In raizada mansion..no one speaks after guptas went..everything just happened in wind speed..then akash next act made them fall deep down the shock..


Hi cutie pies..how is today episode ?

I know I cut in the wrong place..But it's necessary..it's will be continue more in next episode .

I actually thought to make it with maha episode with dairy revelation too.but I got another idea about diary revelation,,so it's will be come with boom..

So what you all think about all those akash payal drama?

Is payal got a wrong punishment for her greediness?

What's your all angle on this episode?

Feel free to share you're all thoughts..

Next episodes of all the stories will come soon..


  1. wow awesome update loved the way akash confronted payal .She deserved that I think may be Akash did something related to Priyanka at end... now I am waiting for Khushi to know diary's truth than the way she will handle Nandini and shashi will be fabulous

  2. Beautiful update....
    Payal is a greedy lady par woh yeah humiliation deserve nahi karta...Agar akash ko problem thi toh pehele rishta todna chaihe tha....aise shadi ke mandop nahi

  3. Awesome update I think payal deserve that because no one should not fake their for selfish reasons. Eagerly waiting for next update

  4. Correct punishment for payal and finally akash used his brain

  5. Superb update....serves right for Payal

  6. Wow finally payal has been shown her real place

  7. Wow what a twist �� enjoyed reading the chapter very much really keen to know what will happen next how Akash and Priyanka will get together and how Arnav and Khushi relationship will get affected buy the truth of diary

  8. Awesome update Loved the way akash confronted payal loved priyanka's way of thinking hope the dairy secret will be revealed to khushi soo eagerly waiting for next update

  9. Akash did wrong very wrong... Yes Payal is greedy but that doesn't mean akash has right to humiliate her in mandap ... It can destroy her whole life now who will marry her? It was akash who was behind Payal... He said to marry him... But here he said like it was her who came behind him like seriously

  10. Awesome update
    loved the twist
    eagerly waiting for diary secret to be revealed

  11. Amazing finally akash took correct decision now may be he must have proposed priyanka

  12. Awesome..really loved the way akash exposed payal... waiting for khushi to read dairy and punish nandini

  13. Awesome the Gupta's deserve this thank God Aakash didn't marry Payal I am now waiting for the diary to come out want to see what Khushi does after knowing reality

  14. Awesome dear akash confronted payal she is thinking only about her dreams

  15. Fabulous and fantastic update

  16. Awesome update. Finally Akash took the right decision. I hope now he is not asking Priyanka to marry or give a chance to him

  17. Fabulous update
    Eagerly waiting for your next update

  18. Awesome update waiting for next part finally akash got his sense back hope everything goes well

  19. wonderful update.payal deserves worst than this waiting for dairy revelation.and akash and priyanka marriage

  20. Beautiful update....
    Payal is a greedy lady finally akash got his sense back Eagerly waiting for your next update

  21. Serves right for Gupta family. Relations can never be made over lies. Wonder what Akash will do now

  22. Amazing one with an interesting twist

    Finally after lot of thinking and confusion about his own feelings towards Payal and her behavior, nice to see Akash coming to conclusion of not getting married to her and called it off. Khushi has recognized the greediness of Guptas from the beginning she came to know about them. Payal hid her greediness under the love of Nandini and wanting to be accepted by Oberios but that took over after her talk with her Buaji which lead her to the state she is currently in. Though felt bad for Priyanka of giving up on her love but loved her thoughts of letting it go and accepting it. Now what did Akash do which shocked Raizada's and Oberio's? Did he propose Priyanka in front of everyone. If it is so, will Khushi accept Akash for Priyanka and give him a chance?
    Eager for the next one to know what will be Khushi's reaction after hearing Akash as well as after she comes to know about her dad's dairy.

  23. Awesome, guptas deserves this.i think akash proposed priyanka, waiting to see how he wins oberois hearts to make priyanka his

  24. Egerly waiting for. I just want Khushi comes to know about diary from Arnav only .this news don't affect their relation but it have to be Arnav an Khushi together mad nandni and shashi life hell

  25. Don't tell me he asked priyanka hand to marriage khushi will dig ur grave becareful akash

  26. Awsm update
    Finally Payal is out of picture
    I think he proposed Priyanka for marriage
    I'm excited to know also what you got for diary revelation
    Payal got very correct punishment.
    I liked Arjun & Bhavya's marriage picture.

  27. Awesome update. It's serves right for them. Akash has taken the best ever decision but somewhat late.. & lastly I think he should announce that he'll marry prinku...
    Waiting for the dhamaka episode of diary revealing.
    Waiting for it

  28. Superb update
    Loved it
    Good to see akash realised everything before marriage
    Maybe akash proposed Priyanka for marriage
    Want to know khushi's reaction to it
    Want the Disney's mystery to unfold
    Can't wait to read next part
    Plz update soon

  29. Fabulous update.waiting for khushis reaction action on dairy matter, hope it will not create any misunderstandings between arshi

  30. superb update....
    i think payal will not sit quietly she will try to take revenge on raizadas and oberois. especially khushi, priyanka and akash
    what is akash going to do?
    will guptas again become servants of oberois??
    diary revelation??
    continue soon

  31. Superb update.its really a dhamaka update.eagely waiting for the moment whenKhushi read the dairy.eagerly waiting for next update

  32. awwsome...update soon

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Good to see akash saved himself from falling in hell.. loved the update..

  35. superb update.
    big twist in payal - buaji plan
    what is akash going to do?
    when khushi and oberois will learn truth?
    continue soon


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