Kabhi khushi kabhie gham💕💕

After spending steamy time in bedroom ,arnav khushi join with family members for dinner..no one asked about their whole day absence understanding the reason through their glowing face..all having dinner with little chat..then Nani informed her about guptas invitation to lunch tomorrow..all of them waited for her reply..after thinking bit she agree to come.everyone happy hearing her reply..then she remember something..

Khushi: but priyanka ? who will look after her if we all going tomorrow ?

anjali: why she need to be alone here..lets take her with us.

Khushi: no anjali di.i don't like the idea..I don't like to take her there..also it's won't be look good...

priyanka: it's okay didi..I'm fine with it..you're right.i should avoid coming there.you all go I'm fine here..

they all hear priyanka's reply from behind..they saw she coming towards them with support of handicap..soon akash went to support her.khushi went after him...both of them support her both side and bring her to dinning table..after making her sit comfortably they took their own seats..when khushi try to ask her something she told her smiling way.

Priyanka: before you start to scold me let me tell you I'm getting better didi..my leg pain getting really better..now I can walk little without pain.and about lunch in Gupta house..as you said I should not come there..already they don't like me that much.and I don't want any drama take place there cause of me..so you all go..and also tomorrow I need to go library for some work.so I'm also busy..so don't worry I'm fine..

everyone smile hearing her..then all finished having dinner and went to their own bedrooms after chatting little bit..all of them went to sleep thinking about tomorrow..for new day..

Next day..everyone getting ready to go Gupta house..obviously no one getting ready happily.for some formality they arranged few gifts to take for them..all come to living getting ready...lastly arnav khushi come down..khushi wearing white designer saree with elegant matching jewels and made her hair to long curly.and arnav wearing brown and black combined coat suit..as usual both looking damn gorgeous couple as always..after everyone got ready all get to cars and left to Gupta house...

After thirty minutes drive all reached to Gupta house..it's medium size house with nice look..they don't give look around ..they move toward doorstep and saw door was widely open and Nandini and shashi standing there with big smile..soon after seeing them they welcomed them inside with big smile..

Shashi: namaste..welcome to our house..thank you very much for coming here considering our invite..please come inside...

Raizadas just nodded at them and take step inside..Nandini smile seeing khushi..and she try to be normal without getting hyper seeing her..soon all of them come to living room..they give them the gifts and Nandini accept the gifts happily seeing they trying to be kind with them..soon she served drinks for them and make them comfortable..khushi didn't touched anything just sit silently with arnav..

Nandini: thank you so much for coming..we are very happy about you're all arrival..thank you..

Nani: please don't think anything wrongly Nandini..we just accepted to come here for our respect..I don't want outsiders know about our problems..that's it..

Her smile weaken hearing nani's reply..she know this very well.but hearing from nani's mouth it's weaken her inner self more...then both changed the topic and thanked them for gifts..suddenly they hear band beating sound..soon some folk dancers with band group enter to house dancing way..Nandini smile seeing them and raizada confused by sudden entry..

Nandini:( smiling face) I arranged this small entertainment for your all..please enjoy..

Soon house filled with dhol sound and  dancers start to dance for the beat..hen dance going payal come there wearing blue saree with off shoulder blouse..she smile seeing everyone and bend down to take nani's blessing..she just nodded her head and give give her attention to dance..dancers took anjali mami with buaji Nandini to floor and forced them to dance..when they come to khushi,she just give them sharp glaring look..even they pull arjun Shyam akash to floor..buaji quickly join payal with akash and told her to be with him closely..now everyone dancing,it's went for little longer..

After dancing long time..it's time for lunch..Nandini arranged the table quickly and asked them to join..everyone join to table..all the time she being with arnav and not showing any interest on anything,..suddenly she notice the food menu on the table there almost every dishes her favourite..means most favourite..she understood nandini's little attempt on it..other side Nandini observed khushi's reaction looking dishes..she quickly come to her side and start to serve her..and when she try to serve her kheer khushi stopped her abruptly..

Khushi: I hate kheer..don't serve that to me..

Nandini heart skipped a beat hearing that..their whole past play front of her eyes hearing that..this is the same dessert she used to make every day for khushi..cause she just love that especially made by her hand..today she made this with those memories..her little deny broke her heart very badly..controlling her tears she served arnav and try to be happy front of them..there payal sitting beside akash and buaji looking after them..she trying her level best to make her close to akash who being little off from the moment he arrived..he just talking with arjun and Shyam..he didn't being close to payal like earlier..and buaji notice that too well then payal..she don't want any crack rise between them till wedding..then all start to have lunch..khushi just take two bites and finished her lunch..raizadas understood her current state so they didn't tell her anything..she left to wash her hands telling everyone..when she come she saw there even few people present in kitchen and they being gossiping..and some children also playing outside..without giving anyone look khushi washed her hand and come to living room..now more then before there many dancers present in hall and it's became like some function hall..actually speaking right now this is the only thing making her feel good from guptas..she enjoy their dance..after some  time family members also come to living room expect arnav..now she can't be there more..she silently told that to anjali and she agreed to go...when  minutes went khushi notice arnav's absence..he nowhere to see..when she thought he might be talking with arjun or akash she saw the both bothers already join with them..then she thought he might be talking with Gupta family..but no.even they all present front of her..when she try to check on him.she saw he coming back with slow step..his face showing some shocked expression with dilemma..she got worried seeing him like that..

Khushi: what happen arnav? Why you looking tension? Is everything okay? is there any problem ?

arnav:( after moment normally) no no khushi..nothing serious..everything fine..no need to worry..it's just office issues.

she believes his reply..then raizadas got ready to leave..when guptas asked them to stay for evening coffee they deny to stay more..then all ready to go..

Nani: thanks for inviting us..now there five days more for the wedding..two days before we arranged sangeet function in our house..join with us..so we are taking our leaves..

guptas send off them happily..then everyone take their leaves..guptas totally happy right now..raizadas arrival make them really cloud nine..then they quickly start to plan for sangeet..now there just five days for wedding..right now all of their wish is same..they just want this marriage to happen peacefully without any more storm..and payal quickly want to enter to luxury lifestyle of raizadas..with many thoughts all of them gone busy on their works..

At night..Nandini shashi talking to each other on their room..

Nandini: today I'm very happy shashi ji..raizada family's arrival really showed good sign to me..I really didn't believe they will come until they reached..

shashi: yes Nandini..it's really good sign for us..there just five days for our daughter wedding..I want her to have happy life in raizada mansion without any problems..lets pray to God to make them accept payal as their bahu whole hearitly..I want my daughter to be happy there..

Nandini: yes shashi..even I want to same..I just praying to God to make their hearts peace and give them the heart to accept our daughter happily as their bahu..and also making them accepting her will only happen when payal behave the way they like..nowadays payal's behaviour little changed..I really hope it's will change before wedding..otherwise she will face hard time there with her this attitude..you know about them na..

shashi: everything will happen nicely Nandini..our payal will have good life there..akash beta there to support her and protect her..he won't let anything happen to payal..lets hope she get the life she dream to have..as parents we never able to fulfil her dreams.now because of akash she going to get such a good life..lets pray for her good married life with him..

She hummed at his talks..then after sometime she fell to sleep talking way..then shashi get up from bed and open his cupboard..taking a big sigh he opened his drawer..next second his facial expression changed to horror ...his face turn white seeing the empty drawer where adithya diary supposed to be..he searched the whole cupboard terrified way..but there no sign of diary..he gripped his hair tightly and gulp saliva thinking hardly..

Shashi: hey devimayya where this diary went..here no one know about that expect me..what if is went to someone's hand.(gulp hardly) what if it's went to khushi's hand..no god no..please don't let such a things to happen..please God..soon as possible I need to find about that diary..and need to destroy it..otherwise there another storm will hit my family...this time Nandini wouldn't able to handle it.please God show some mercy on me..

He desperately pray to go feeling hell scared..his heart pumping hardly thinking what if someone hand over that diary to obroi family..or what if it's directly go to khushi's hand..even that thought passing chill over his body..he couldn't sleep peacefully thinking about it.he blindly hope before its go to anyone's hand he need to destroy that..thanking like that he pass around the room..


Arnav standing on their room balcony looking the diary on his hand..there lots of emotions running on him looking the diary..he never expected he will find this diary there..and after reading whatever I side that he couldn't manage himself from fallen to dilemma state..he is still under the shock..now only one thing running on his mind..what if khushi found this diary instead him..there won't tomorrow if she got this diary..it's will be big storm..but he can't hide this from her forever..she need to know and that's want is correct..but the question is ,is it really good time to tell her this..right now this is what going on his mind..he look at sleeping khushi with mixed emotions..right now he don't know what to do..tell her or not..he grip the diary tightly and think about it deeply..lets see what he is deciding..


Hello my suger balls !! How are you all..hope you all fine.l

So after long time finally I'm back fully..so how is today episode..

What you all think about this

Do arnav need to tell about this immediately or after marriage ?

There nothing happened to akash in Gupta house ,maybe it's will happen soon

Now diary found by arnav what should he need to do

Tell me you're all thought on comments and give me at leat seventy comments..will meet you all in next episodes..


  1. uff so many secrets
    fantastic update...
    update soon

  2. Nice Update

    Khushi tried to be as cordial as she can be with the Gupta's and never melted down seeing Nandini's attempts to make peace with Khushi by cooking her favorite items. Thought the diary will land in Khushi's hands but it was Arnav who found it and came to know what Adithya mentioned about Nandini. Hope Arnav gives the diary to Khushi directly. If Khushi finds it herself before he gives it to her directly then there will be a chance of having another misunderstanding arising between them. Hoping he doesn't delay and wait for the right time.
    Eager for the next one

  3. Wow it's so asing and I am egarly waiting for next just don't keep us waiting more i am so desparate for ur updates

  4. Lets c wat is der in the diary Nandhini effort in wooeing khushi failed miserably .Loved this part .I dont want payash to be together in this story

  5. what in this diary he must tell her before wedding

  6. Ahh again you hide what's in Aditya's diary but I never thought that arnav would find the diary he should tell it to Khushi can't wait to read the next update

  7. Oh no I was hoping to see some storm Arnav should not hide from Khushi and tell her now only otherwise later she will have trust issues with him nice update loved it thank you

  8. Nice episode he should tell kashi about dairy

  9. Awesome dear what secret is their in diary arnav should tell her about diary to khushi

  10. Arnav should show it to Kushi. They would be the best way to reduce at least a little if the storm's effects. Waiting eagerly

  11. I think he should tell her, she will decide what she has to do. Otherwise Khushi will think he hide related her loving father.. Arnav,
    Don't support other over your wife..

  12. Arnav shocked reading diary means something more secret is there. ..it will unwind soonnn..waiting for next update..arnav should sat to khusi right away becoz its about her father

  13. Superb update... Waiting for the revelation of diary

  14. Nice update. So Arnav got the diary. I want Arnav to inform about this immediately to Khushi as it's about her father, she has complete rights to know about this

  15. I hope he will tell the dairy about to Khushi because Khushi will get angry so much if he hides it

  16. Lovely update. Can't wait to see what is there in diary. Want Khushi to know it asap.

  17. Amazing there are lots of secrets to know

  18. Awesome update
    Arnav should say about the dairy to khushi to avoid misunderstanding between them
    Eagerly waiting for next update

  19. Awesome update 😘 arnav should say about diary to Khushi wrna phir se kch misunderstanding ho jae gi... waiting for next update 😊

  20. Awesome chappy
    What's there in diary
    Plz reveal it soon

  21. Nice update eagerly waiting to know what is in diary

  22. amazing update... arnav shoupd give thr diary to khushi otherwise there wiil be misunderstanding again...loved the update

  23. awesome part..
    please don't let Akash and payal marriage happen

  24. What is written in the dairy.

  25. Awesome update .I always wanted Arnav ti get the dairy happy he got it but again a big secret....
    He should give the dairy to Khushi as she has a right to know about her father.But also should be careful so that less damage happens Please dont creat any Misunderstanding between the infact I want that he should be her strong support& together should face any Strom if coming

  26. THANK YOU for updating Hope will get the next soon very curious to know the secret of the dairy😊💐💐

  27. Finally diary is in Arnav's hand but he should not hide it from khushi
    He should tell as ASAP if she comes to know by her own then it will be a big mess
    I'm so much curious to know what's in diary

  28. Woww it's amazing update but I really wanna know ki shahi ne aditya ki diary kyo chupa rakhi thi this is going to be very intresting

  29. Awesome update
    Excited for further updates continue soon

  30. Nice episode dear...hope Khushi gets the diary soon and eagerly waiting to know what's inside it...

  31. Nice update...

    Gupta trying to come in good books of raizada..

    Arnav should not hide it from khushi as he promised her..otherwise trouble come to their relation too .

    Looking forforw

  32. Awesome update...waiting for next one quickly send

  33. Nice update.so finally dairy near to khushi.waiting for the secrets to unfold

  34. Superb update
    Loved it so much
    Arnav should tell Khushi about the diary before marriage only
    Plz don't want any misunderstanding between them
    Eagerly waiting for the secret to unveil
    Plz update soon

  35. good. reveal the diary suspense soon.
    marriage is very near.
    will marriage get cancelled?
    continue soon

  36. nice update. continue soon

  37. suspense...i really eager to know what will happen next.

  38. Arnav should tell khushi about the diary as soon as possible, if he waits till after the wedding it'll affect his relationship with khushi in a very bad way, I fear that khushi may never forgive him for that, and she already warned him about the same, and it won't be fair to akash either, whatever is in that diary it'll affect his life too, I really hope that he'll give aditya's diary to khushi soon as it's her right, and then let her decide how to deal with this matter, please don't leave us waiting for long and update soon

  39. Awesome update arnav should give the diary to khushi as soon as possible before any misunderstanding occurs btw them

  40. I think arnav should tell khushi about dairy, plzz don't create any problems between arshi

  41. nice one...waiting for update

  42. suspense update....what is in diary? when arnav will reveal??
    continue soon

  43. awesome update:) Pls continue soon.

  44. Superb update dear but plase Arnav only handed the diary to Khushi not khush find herself it will create more misunderstanding between them

  45. want to know what is inside the diary. update soon


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