Claimed As His Woman..Chapter Thirteen

 Khushi waiting at the coffee shop neha asked her to come. She is a little tense after talking with Neha who sounded too sad. She hopes there is nothing to worry about. After a few more minutes, she saw her car coming. She stopped the car in front of her and got down with a dull smile. Khushi feels so sad to see her chirpy sister on this face. She hugged her for a second and told her with a faint voice.

Neha: how are you di. I hope at least you are happy.

Okay, now this is not going to be a normal conversation. Khushi adjusted her voice and to her with a little smile.

Khushi: I'm okay Neha. It's a little crowded here. Come let's talk inside the coffee shop.

Neha: auh no di. Actually, I want to take a walk. Are you okay with walking on the road?

Khushi: yeah sure. Come let's walk.

She smiled. Soon they two start to walk on the platform. It's quite a crowded place with messy times. They two walked carefully avoiding bumping into anyone. Khushi securely held her belly when she changed the side. Both walked silently for a few minutes. Seeing there were no signs for Neha to speak, Khushi asked her with a calm voice hiding her curiosity. 

Khushi: so neha. Why this sudden meeting? Is there everything okay? Do you want to tell me something?

Neha: if I say no that would be a lie. There's something I want to talk to you about.

Khushi knows there's a big thing to come. She hopes there is nothing to worry about unnecessarily. And she notices the tiny changes in Neha. She replies with a sarcastic manner. And there is a don't care to look on her face. Then she continues.

Neha: after you left the house. Nothing changed to the usual way. Expect yuva uncle and everyone angry with you for breaking off the relationship like that. They don't want you two to split. Raghav Bhai regrets his past actions. He wants another chance to ask forgiveness and start everything as new. He was really serious this time di....he

Khushi:(cut off her) Neha wait. Do you know what you are saying right? I thought you know whatever he did to me. The whole marriage was a blackmail. Parvin Aunty threatened me with your marriage and Raghav threatened me with your health condition. Now I don't see there any relationship to mend. You are already married and daughter in law of that house. I don't need to be there anymore.

Neha:( raised a voice a little) If you agreed to marry him for me, why did you leave in the middle? You are supposed to be with him forever. Just like I'm with Rajiv. There can't be any turning back di. Now I'm facing the difference there because they believe I'm the sister of the woman who humiliated their son and broke the relationship with them. I'm no longer happy there because all of them turning their back on me. And Parvin Aunty said if you come back, there is a chance for me to get back the love I lost because of you. You can't say no here di. Just leave all of these people who came into your life suddenly. Let's go back to the place where we belong. Come with me di. 

Khushi stared at her sister with an unbelievable look. She can't believe what she just heard. is she can be more selfish than this? After well knowing whatever Raghav made her do. She still doing things for her benefit. Neha looked at her with determination and waited for her to talk. Khushi felt it was the right time to stand her ground. She held her stomach and told her calmly controlling herself from raising her voice.

Khushi: look Neha I think you have to realize I don't belong there anymore. It's a little hard to say. But I was sold off by him to someone. He used me as a pawn for his benefit. I don't drag this thing more because a good thing that happened to me is a bad thing. I found the man for whom I actually belong. And now I'm carrying another life inside me. I think I have done enough as your sister. It's time for you to live your own life. I never caused trouble in anyone's life. And if you feel I might be causing trouble in your life. I'll talk with Yuvaraj, sir. I'm sure he will be your savior from now on. Don't worry you won't face a tough time there if he guards you.

Neha:( snaps out) I didn't come here asking for a favor sister. I'm here to show you the right direction. Have you ever wondered what people might say about you if they came to know you slept with your husband's client? Nobody will question Raghav Bhai or that ASR. It will be solely you who gonna hear all the taunts. Just forget about the ugly past. You can start over with your husband whom you have taken seven vows. There is nothing to feel ashamed to beg your husband. And he will let you come back. 

Khushi: that's it, Neha. I think you are crazy. Do you realize what you are saying? And who told you, I will agree with whatever you say. This is my life, Neha. And there is only one chance for me to live happily with the man I truly love. I have already sacrificed lots of things for you. Not anymore. This time I choose to live the life I want. I never judged you when you got pregnant before marriage. Never stood against you when your life demanded my acceptance to marry the guy I never loved. Now you are already well settled on the life you wanted. You can't force me to be with someone who never valued me. This is nothing but pure selfishness of yours. There is nothing I can do more. Hereafter I will be only around the people I love and who love me back. It's better if you go now.

Neha glared at her with angry tears. She can't digest the fact her sister did not obey her demands as she always did. Now how is she gonna face her mother-in-law who ordered her to convince her sister to come back? If her side backfired. There is no way for her to get into her mother in law good book. We have to do something. And she knows what she has to do. Suddenly she held her head and stopped walking. She holds Khushi's hand tightly and is about to fall. She was alerted by Neha's sudden state. She quickly held her securely and tried to get her conscious. 

Khushi: Neha... Neha, please open your eyes. Please don't do this. Neha wake up damnit.

Neha: ( low faint voice) Take me... Take Me to hospitals. Save my baby. Di my baby..

Khushi immediately holds her by the waist and tries to take her to the car. It's far away parked. She finds it difficult to handle her whole weight. Praying to god continuously she almost brought her to car.

 When she was about to open the door, suddenly Neha saw someone riding the bike towards their side faster. When it was almost about to hit them she moved away from Khushi's side quickly holding her belly. But instead of a relieved sigh, her breath stopped at the scene happening before her eyes. Khushi lying on the floor with a pool of blood. She just saw her sister hit by the bike.


Arnav rushed inside the city hospital holding his breath. He ran towards the emergency ward and saw Amani sitting on a chair crying terribly. His whole body not functioning to his commands. There are a lot of negative thoughts. Full of dilemma. He couldn't hold himself when he got the news about Khushi's accident. He desperately tried to look inside but nothing was visible. His whole body shaking. he forgets how to talk. He hugged back Amani who crying on his shoulders. He is not in a state to calm her as he doesn't know how to keep himself from bursting out. He eagerly waited for doctors to come out. Just saying she is okay is what he wants to hear right now. Only that sentence was enough to get his breath back. In his scared state, he didn't notice Neha who standing near the corridor with a horrified face.

After a whole hour, the doctor came out. They two rushed towards her with desperation to know about the woman they two dearly cherish. 

Amani: doctor please say my sister is okay. Please say she is fine.

Doctor: fortunately she is totally out of danger. Just a few minor injuries on the body. She will get her consciousness in a few minutes.

Arnav breathed out a long breath hearing the words he was waiting to hear. He thanked all the gods in the world for saving his love. Amani too broke into a tearful smile hearing the reply. But again they two got tense hearing the doctor's next word.

Doctor: but there is bad news. I don't know how to tell that.

Arnav:( scared to talk) What is the bad news doctor? tell me there is nothing big.

Doctor: I'm sorry Mr. Raizada. Your wife had a miscarriage!!!

The world stopped around him hearing the heart-shattering words from the doctor. He stood like a stone, trying to register what she just said. Miscarriage? It means abortion. Did she just say they lost their baby? His baby..his baby, for whom he had desperately been waiting. His happiness just lasted for a few days. He fell on the floor with a stopped heart. When reality hits him, two lonely tears fall from his eyes. His baby is no more. They just lost their unborn baby. So the dream life he imagined with his wife no longer gonna happen. It's the end of his big happiness.


Raghav laughed manically in their penthouse. He clapped louder and laughed his heart out. behind him, Parvin sitting on the main sofa and blowing cigarette smoke. He smiled like a crazy person and told her with a joyful face.

Raghav: maa. see just awesome. You are the best mom ever. You did what you promised...I have never been happier than this. I love you so much, Mom.

Parvin: what do you think? That I make fake promises to calm your heart. I won't spear the person who plays with my son's life. They two destroyed your better life. Then how can I sit calm seeing them living happily? Now she got served for what she deserved.

He hugged her happily without being able to hold his happiness. The news of miscarriage just reached their ears. And both celebrated by opening a champagne. It feels like a cure for his wounded self. There's more to come. They thought evil way. But little bit they know there is a big doom soon waiting to knock on their door. This time it's feels like nobody going to be there to stop the destruction.


One week later.

Khushi looks outside the balcony with lonely tears. She has a blank expression on her face and is unresponsive to the pouring rain. She was totally drained of rain and almost turning red because of the cold. She couldn't bear whatever happened this whole week. She had a miscarriage and their wedding got canceled. And above all, Arnav's unusual behavior hurts her more. The moment she woke up from the unconscious, the doctors announced the abortion. That moment she knows it's entirely her mistake. She is the only reason for them to lose their baby. She cried. Passed out multiple times because of high BP. Her blood count went low. She is almost on the edge of breaking down forever. It's all because she was afraid to meet Arnav. She was afraid to meet his eyes. If he questions her for everything, how is she gonna answer? When she went through everything and got brave enough to be accused in front of him. His reaction made her more prepared. He didn't question her. He didn't accuse her. He does not even talk about that with her. He acted all okay. And be the most devoted husband she can ever ask for.

Well, it looks like that to outsiders. But she knows something is missing. He didn't accuse her, but she can say how much he resent her for losing their baby. He wathe s devoted man to her fragile state. But she feels how much he was shattered inside because of this whole tragic event. But she doesn't know why he behaving this way. Why is he not showing his anger? At least she might feel better if he lashed out at her. His calm attitude broke her heart. She doesn't want to admit it. But she feels like, he doesn't love her anymore, she feels he hates her for killing their baby. Even those thoughts made her vulnerable even more. She wants him to get mad, to scream at her, even though she is okay with him hitting her. But this silent treatment killed her alive. She couldn't bear to see the man who loved her blindly being a stranger to her. It's more painful the the injuries she had from the accident. And she is brave enough to ask all of this to his face. She doesn't dare to face his eyes..the eyes which hold the real pain of losing their baby..tears freely falling as get mixed with rain. Thunderstorm sounds getting louder. It's quite dangerous to stand outside. When she was almost lost the feel on her legs, she felt him hugging her with a sheet and quickly took her inside.

He brought her back to the room and quickly started to wipe her hair. He told her almost scolding way.

Arnav: are you nuts? Can't you see how hard that rain is? Remember your wounds are still not healed dove. You still need lots of bed rest until you get wet In the hard rain..come on remove your dress...

He went to grab a dress. When he returned he saw her still sitting in the same state. Without asking anything he starts to remove her dress. He removed the salwar top and untied her bra. Tears fall from her eyes feeling how cold his hands feel. It's never happened before. He undressed her without any emotion. After removing her dress, he wrapped her body with a blanket and wiped her hair again. She didn't protest, just sitting like a wooden doll letting him do his kind help. He fully dressed her with a new pair of night dresses and tied her hair to a ponytail. After making sure she was totally ready he was about to leave the room. But Khushi's voice stopped him.

Khushi: Arnav we need to talk.

Arnav: you are tired dove. Let's talk tomorrow. Take a nap.

Khushi:( hell out desperately) enough arnav... I can't.. I can't bear this anymore.. what are you doing? Why you are behaving like this? Don't do this arnav. I can't bear this behavior. I can clearly see how angry you are holding up on you. Don't do that Arnav.. I deserved to get accused. I deserved to see your anger on me. Even if you hit me. I will accept it gladly. But don't behave like this. Your calm attitude killing me alive. Shout at me mad at me, but please don't give me this cold shoulder.

She saw him tithing his fist. Still, his back facing her. But she clearly noticed the sudden change in the air. She was ready to face his hate. He slowly turned and asked her with ice eyes.

Arnav: what's wrong with my behavior? And is there anything going to change if I shout at you or hit you? Nobody can change what happened Khushi. It's better if we move on. You thinking too much. There is nothing me hiding from you.

Khushi: really? Then why did you cancel our wedding? It was supposed to happen last week. Why did you cancel?

Arnav:( firm tone) it's not canceled dove. It's just postponed until you get better. After you back to your old self, the first thing we going to do is get married.

Khushi: really.. then what about your fully composed calm attitude? Arnav for a god sake I lost our baby. I'm the only person who was responsible for it. Don't you want to be mad at me? Don't you want to accuse me?

Arnav:( sarcastic smile) what's the point in accusing you when I know that baby was never been your first priority? I know that you never cared about it. It's meant nothing but just a blood clot to you. So there is no reason for me to be mad at you. It's just a waste of time.

Khushi:( weak voice) What..arnav what are you saying?

Arnav: yeah love I'm very well aware of your disinterest in carrying that baby. I mean come on. It's the symbol of our extramarital affair. It's the evidence of our one-night stand. Of course, you will feel disgusted to carry that baby out of the wedding bells. It's okay I totally understand. Me or my baby has never been your priority. We have always been your dirty secrets. And it's forever will be.

Khushi,:( holding chest out of pain) Arnav why are you talking like this? What made you think all this rubbish? Have I ever made you feel like that? Have I ever made you question my love towards our baby?

Arnav:( yells out sarcastically) Oh of course you did. Maybe I didn't notice the issue with the baby. But I remember how much you want me to be your secret life. Remember you asked me to keep our wedding intimate with just a few friends. That time I didn't get your real reason. But now I know very well. You just didn't give us a proper place in your life. That's why you let my baby die carelessly.

Khushi:( cried out holding his hands ) Arnav.. arnav..please don't believe your conclusion.. how can you even think something like this? You are the reason for me getting the happy life I always wanted. You give me the life I thought I could never able to get. And our baby.. he\she was the symbol of our pure love Arnav. Gift of our togetherness.. how did you think I considered our baby a mistake.. is this how much you know me? Was I damaged beyond repair that you think such a disgusting thing about me.. please Arnav... I dreamed our whole life with our baby.. after me god knows how much you and our baby mean to me... I regret my decision to meet her. I never knew she would do something like that. She played the victim card. When she begged me to save her baby...I couldn't think of anything apart from that. Because even I had a life inside me. All I want is to just save that tiny life. That's the only thing that came to my mind.

Arnav:(lonely tear fall) Well congratulations... you totally saved your sister's baby. She is all healthy and better. But In that process you lost our tiny little life.. your sister's baby is here. But where's mine? 

She feel like hundreds of peoples slapped her face harshly hearing his heartbreaking question. She feel like a murderer seeing the tears on his eyes. He finally let out his inner self after whole one week controlling it hardly. He couldn't bear anymore. He feels like somebody cut a part of his body. He knows hi every words breaking her harder. But he can't fake his emotions anymore. Whatever he said,that's excatly how he felt when he come tonniw se had a accident because of neha. Why she never had seconds thoughts to meet her. She well know ,after all she is daughter in law of khanna family. Of course she will do things which will benefit the bastards who lives there. He strongly believe this is completely preplanned accident. By chance if his gut feeling turn out to be real. That son of a bitch won't be alive to see the next sunrise.. he glare at khushi who looking at him with heart broken state. His heart bleeding seeing her like this. But she deserves this. At least here after she have to think about him before doing anything big. She needs to understand how much big of a place he hold in her life. This heartbreaking was tempery. He know how's to get back his old khushi.. when he about to take her to arms his phone ringed. It's kind of conference call. Then his devil mind told him to leave her on this state. After glaring her last time he left the place.

Khushi fell on recliner feeling completely shaken up by his accusation.she know he is angry and will accuse her. But his conclusions and the way he judged her whole time with him totally unexpected. Now how she gonna prove him,how much he means to her, how much he is dear to her, how much she madly loves him.. she thinking all weeping..she cry caressing her now empty stomuch. Her voice crack recalling her unborn child..

Khushi: I'm so sorry baby. I was such a terrible mother. When you needed me the most to protect you,I wasn't there. I failed you baby. I'm so sorry my love. If you can, please forgive me angel. I know you can hear me.. please forgive your mother. My angel. Please forgive me..

She cried out when she recalling hearing her baby's heartbeat for first time. She got overjoyed that day. Than she became the person who reason for her baby's heartbeat stopped. She circled herself in the recliner like ball. She kind of feels like she threw back to the same hell life she lived before arnav come. She is afraid to lose him. She can't bear the fact if he left her. She had to do something to get him back.. back to her as same arnav who loves her dearly..


After two days.

After their rough conversation they two didn't get a time to interact.he got busy with some work.and she got herself busy in healing herself. Both behaved normally front of amani. They don't want to her get disturb because of them.mostly he return to bedroom after she slept and leave the room before she is wake up. He know she was badly heartbroken. But his mental health also not good. He almost got into two accident on the way to office because of troubled mind. He even closed himself from vijay. He doesn't want to express his deep pain with anyone right now. He want to mourn silently without causing Anyone's problems.he do needs some time to heal his broken heart. He believes he will come around after some days.


At evening. Study room..

Arnav seriously working on laptop. Suddenly the door got knocked. He asked to come without looking. Soon the room will with unique rose smell. He well know who's that. He saw khushi standing at doorstep wearing black color chiffon saree with backless blouse. She look total sexy. He controlled himself from getting excited. He remembers how mad he was with her.he start to work again.she slowly come closer and cleared her throat to get his attention.he asked her coldly looking on laptop..

Arnav: what's the matter khushi? Do you want anything?

Khushi: yes arnav.. I actually have a favor to ask.

Arnav: what is that dove ? 

Khushi: the favour is....... I want a baby!!!!


Hello long update after long time. Kinda got busy with my relative wedding preparation. But now I got free a little . So will give updates regularly. So be mad just shower your guys love and support.

So how was the today episode ?

Totally unexpected right? 

How you guys take her miscarriage ?

It's tragic I know ,, but there really good things waiting to come hereafter.

Hereafter no more sad drams and definitely not a separation. But will be lots of twist and be ready for it.

So me yours guys thoughts and opinions? Both are welcome. But don't be too harsh. Because sometime I'm little sensitive. Hehe just kidding.. everyone welcome..

Don't forget to comment and if anyone can't comment, please comment in watpad.


  1. Neha is a f@@@@@# bi@@@ i want neha to suffer hard for causing miscarriage to kush. She must loose her baby, her familymust throw her out she must face hell on earth. Waiting fr arshi marriage hopefully arnav nd yuvi both stand as a pillar fr kush. I also want arnav nd yuvi to punish parveen nd her son

    1. beautiful, amazing, i loved

    2. I know Neha's behavior is very irresponsible. and selfish, I hope she understands what she really did to her sister Khushi, who got married just for you Neha .
      I'm sorry that Arnav also thinks that Khushi made abhorrent with intensity. But surely their son's offenders must be punished. But I don't think Neha should abort the baby. This makes them equal .if they hit Neha's baby. There are other punishments for them that caused this accident. For Neha, the punishment she will suffer from her in-laws and Khushi is enough.

  2. Shocking update.

    Didn't expect Neha will be so low and khushi will loose her baby..

    Why arnav is hurting her like this instead of healing her breaking her more. She deserve to be happy and loved yaar that's what he promised

  3. Ur writing is really impressive

  4. Khushi did a big blunder to trust that Neha who is selfish and the Dil of khannas family and that mother and son dup needs big punishment for killed a unborn by planned a accident like death is better compared to the hell punishment Arnav gping to give them and Neha she only wants her family and her child but she didn't care about her own sis and her unborn she will surely rot in hell and Arnav is heartbroken by the news of khushis accident and now can't able to bear the pain of his baby's miscarriage hmm atleast now think about herself and her baby and Arnav only not others pls update sooooooooon dear

  5. That neha is really selfish bitch how can she do this with her own sister who Sacrifice everything for her. I hope she pay for it.

  6. I just want some scene like Kushi confronting...Or something like that with Neha...Like Khushi completely disowning Neha...And also if kushi talks to Neha...Then it should be so cold that Neha gets scarred to the core....No forgiveness for Neha at all author...And also Khushi should now only concentrate on only Arnva and her Life....Eagerly waiting for the next update 😀

  7. Felt very bad for arshi. Because of her selfish sister differences has occurred between cute couple nd they lost precious life😢hope they get back together ❤️ happily 😊

  8. Neha is so cheap.I want her to suffer same as khushi

  9. Totally unexpected and her sister is too cheap

  10. Felt very bad for arshi.

  11. I'm speechless after reading this chapter poor Arshi didn't deserve to lost their baby, Neha is a selfish shameless witch and she deserves to be punish in the worse possible way ,also both khushi and Amani needs to disown her, there shouldn't be any forgiveness for her ,ragav and Parveen.

  12. Awesome update loved it soo much ❣️ Neha should suffer for what she did... Poor khushi

  13. How can a sister do this to another sister

  14. Emotional Update.
    Neha became selfish and without thinking what will be the consequences her actions might cause she followed her mother-in-law's words blindly which ended badly for Arnav and Khushi. Feeling bad for them. Hope they recover from this loss and move on. Arnav for sure will take revenge on Parvin and her son as well as Neha too for what they did to them.
    Eager for the next one

  15. Awesome update dear....chiii such low act Neha done her sister yaar....I can't express my sadness to kushi and Arnav situation dear....hope Neha and Parvin raghav face ASR devil's side yaar.... waiting for next update dear

  16. OMG this is an unexpected twist. Arshi don't deserve this. Now I can't wait for the next part and this should be a happy one.Arnav should reconcile with Khushi and make the life's of those raghav and his mother into hell.


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