Claimed As His Woman Chapter eleven

 Arnav standing at the doorstep and looking at everyone with a stunned face. he tried to register what she just said. soon reality hit him. Khushi is pregnant. and that means she was carrying his child. a small faint smile appears on his face when he understands the who scenarios. She is pregnant with his baby.his own blood. damn it that's mind-blowing news.

Everyone in the room is surprised by his reaction and wonders why he is here all of a sudden. Raghav was almost about to pass out thinking what's gonna happen next. Arnav slowly took a step inside the house. he looked at everyone with a blank reaction and Parvin asked him hurriedly out of curiosity.

Parvin: Mr. Raizada what are you doing here? Is there anything we can help you?

Arnav: I came to take Khushi with me. and if you ask me why. I think Raghav is the one who can explain everything to you all perfectly. Right, ragav.

Everyone was dumbfounded by his reply and millions of questions were raised on their head. somewhere Yuvaraj understands what might have happened. without bothering anyone Arnav tries to take the stairs. but Amani's voice stopped him.

Amani: Arnav Jiju..didi is not in her room. She is resting in Yuvaraj uncle's room.

He smiled at Amani hearing how she addressed him. It kinda feels amazing to hear how she called him. he ruffled her hair and straightly took a step towards his woman eagerly.

Now everybody surrendered around Ragav and started to shoot millions of questions. but Yuvaraj silently left the scene for a moment. Rajiv asked him confused way.

Rajiv: what's happening bhai? What is he saying? Is there everything okay? Please tell us what all this means.

Dadi: ha ragav.tell me exactly what he meant. How can he take her away from this house? (turn) And you Amani why did you call him Jiju? What kind of behavior was that?

"Yuvaraj"... Parvin shouted out of shock seeing what she didn't expect to see. Everyone stayed on the spot seeing Yuvaraj pointing a gun at Ragav's head. he quickly kneeled seeing the horrifying scene he had been scared about. he folded his hands and told him trembling way.

Ragav: Papa..papa..please..please let me explain myself..please don't rush yourself, papa. I'll confess everything papa..please papa.

Yuvaraj:the way he took rights over Khushi. is not something that usually happens. if he comes here confidently without thinking about the consequences, there must be a big reason for it. and I'm sure your explanation not gonna help if you are the reason behind this whole thing. it's better to know this my way.

He loaded the gun and was about to trigger it. Parvin quickly jumped in front of him and covered his whole self. she told him in a shaking voice.

Parvin: yuva.. hear him out first. you can't burst out like this. Let him tell his side of the story..please yuva..please.just give him a chance.


Arnav rushed to one room after looking for her twice in a different room. he stopped at the step seeing her sitting on the bed caressing her belly with a soft smile. now different kinds of feelings flow everywhere on his body. It's a different feeling to see her like this. he slowly enters to room without taking his eyes off her ..

Khushi sensed someone's presence and raised her head to look who is it. but the next second her heart started to beat faster seeing Arnav. She didn't know how to react seeing him now. She was definitely not ready to meet him now with those overwhelming emotions. She is indeed about about the's just she's kinda feeling shy about meeting him now. with something she never felt before. he slowly took the seat beside her. She tried her best to avoid his eyes. it's really not helping with her hyper heart and blushed cheeks. he looks at her like she is the most precious thing in the world.

Arnav smiles seeing how her cheeks are red. It's a new kind of feeling and situation. he knows this moment will definitely arrive in their life. but he never thought it would come this much sooner. he cupped her cheek softly and asked her most softest voice of his.

Arnav: are you happy about this dove? Do you have any regrets?

She:(surprised tone) Of course I'm happy. why should I regret this? (unsure tone) but are you happy with this news?

Arnav:(gets closer to her face) Do you know how it feels to be the most blessed man in this world? If you don't know. then just look at me. (nuzzled her nose) Khushi, you're carrying my baby. my own blood. the feeling of my love carrying my child is just...just priceless feeling dove. I don't know how to express my happiness right now. You gave me the most special gift of my life. I love you, Khushi.

Khushi wide her eyes hearing his love confession. this was the first time he confessed his love for her. he smiled at her reaction and told her softly caressing her cheek.

Arnav: yes Khushi. I love you...I love you crazily. I have been waiting to tell you this for a long time. but I don't think there is any other moment more perfect than this moment. I love you dove. I love you so much.

Before she react he took her lips for a most special kiss. he kissed her deeply holding her neck. She came out of shock and kissed him back with the same passion and love.his kiss was today the most delicate ever. both expressed their happiness happily without knowing the tornado downstairs had come.


At hall. everyone in the hall lost the words to speak after hearing everything from Raghav. They don't know how to open their mouth to protect Raghav from Yuvaraj seeing what kind of damage he caused. The whole time yuva carries deadly silence and finally asks him looking straight into his eyes.

Yuvaraj: so you blackmailed her with Neha's marriage, and forced her to sleep with your business partner for the deal. am I right? 

Ragav gulped his fear of seeing his father in beast mode. Yuvaraj came closer dangerously and pinned him on the wall. everyone gasped seeing that. Rajiv tried to pull him away and Parvin held his leg and begged him to free Ragav. Yvaraj roared like a beast.

Yuvaraj: everybody step back. dare if any of you stop me from killing this bastard. (tighten the grip on the neck) You bloody bastard. how dare you. how dare you to play with her life like this. Who gives you the guts to use her like this? I warned you, didn't I? You crossed the limit Ragav. Let me show you the consequences of playing with my Khushi's life.

He punched his face harshly and started to beat him from red to blue. there nobody dared to stop the Yuvraj Khanna. because in front of them not the man of this house. This is the army's cruelest general Yuvaraj Khanna. Nobody can escape from his clutch.


Both break the kiss and breathe harder after a long kiss. She smiled and hugged him tightly out of shyness.. but she heard some shouting sounds from downstairs. suddenly reality hit her. Oh my god. arnav in Khanna's mansion. and they kissed in her in-law's bedroom. she jerked from the hug and asked him quickly feeling tense. 

Khushi: I must be crazy. Arnav, how did you come here? And what are you doing here at this time? Does anybody see you coming? Oh god. how am I gonna answer them if they ask me what I'm doing with you? It will be a big disaster, Arnav. you should go, Arnav. im.

Arnav:(shush her calmly ) Shhhh baby..calm down. relax dove. Nothing is gonna happen. nobody gonna stop me from seeing you. and I came here to get you out of this house forever.pack your bags. we are leaving.

'what'...she was completely stunned by his reply. What was he saying? How can she leave this house all of a sudden? How was she gonna face everyone? He looked at her with a determined face and waited for them to react to his reply. When she tried to speak suddenly the door opened with a bang She jerked at the sudden arrival and was surprised to see her younger sister standing at the doorstep with a tearful face. Arnav was too surprised by Amani's sudden entry but seeing her state. he guessed she might have come to know everything. he gets up from bed knowing Amani needs this moment with her. She rushes towards Khushi and takes her for a big hug. and she starts to cry terribly in her arms. Khushi is totally clueless about this behavior. and somewhere worried thinking about what happened to her suddenly. She hugged her back and asked her caringly caressing her hair. 

Khushi: Amani..what happened to you doll? why are you crying suddenly? please tell me what's wrong. see you are making me worry. What's the problem dear?

Amani:(crying way) I knew it. I always knew there was something big you hiding behind your sudden marriage with Ragav..why did you do this di? why did you sacrifice your life for her. that cheap bastard used you as a pawn to achieve his goals. how you bear all this stuff with a happy face. why didn't you tell me? Why do you do this di? Why?

Khushi was stunned to speak hearing her outburst..she didn't know how to react. so this is what happened downstairs. everyone knows about all this now. but how. then she looks at Arnav who gives her a knowing look. she sighed and hugged her sister tightly to calm her.

Khushi:shhh don't cry. You didn't do anything. It's okay. I'll handle all of this. I know how to take care of this.

Amani:(broke the hug and told her scolding way) No. not anymore. what you already did is enough. You know what you are supposed to do now. just get the hell out of this house with don't need to go through any of this anymore. now you are carrying another person inside you. Think about your baby and start life with the man who actually loves you. Go away from here di.

Khushi: Amani what are talking about? Have you thought about Neha? She will go through lots of pressure if anything wrong happens here. Don't you remember what the doctor said? we can't risk her life, Amani.

Amani:let her go to hell..has she asked your permission when she spread her legs for that Rajiv? it's her problem. if she wants her life to be's her responsibility to mend it. you don't need to poke your nose into her business anymore. you already made enough sacrifice. it's her own fucking business.

Khushi opened her mouth and gasped away hearing her foul words. this was the first time she had heard her talking like this. Arnav raised his eyebrow and grinned seeing there was someone who spoke his language..she made his work easy. Khushi hit her head and told her scolded way.

Khushi: guard your tongue, Amani. from when you start to speak like this. remember she is your sister too.

Amani:( to Arnav) Jiju I'm very sorry for not giving my first impression best. but agree with whatever I said. don't you?

Arnav: not at all. you are right. You just read my mind, Amani.

Khushi:(worried tone) Arnav you are not helping.

Arnav: then what do you want me to say? I'm already against the fact you lived here all those days. now how do you expect me to keep you here any longer after knowing you are expecting our baby? I can't leave you around venomous snake people. it's dangerous to both of you. Just close your arguments and get ready to leave this house. and Amani...I meant both of you to you coming with us.

Amani was surprised by his reply. but damn happy. she already doesn't like to live here. now there is no way she going to stay here after her sister goes. She planned in mind to move to a hostel. it's just like her brother-in-law read her mind. She happily agreed. now there is no room for Khushi to argue. somewhere she is happy about this change of event. This is what she has been wanting for many days. she decided to accept this new path in her life. She smiles at Arnav and slowly gets up from the bed with his support. Amani excitedly left telling them she gonna pack both of their belongings. Then Arnav holds Khushi's hand and slowly gets her out of the room...

When Khushi comes to the living hall. she is completely stunned by the scene in front of her. Ragav lying on the floor with a pool of blood covered around him. he spitting blood and is already in the worst situation. Beside him, Yuvaraj standing breathing harder, and going to pull the trigger. everyone around him pleading for Ragav's life. before anything worse happened she rushed towards Yuvaraj and took the gun from his hand. All of them got their breath again seeing that. Khushi threw the gun away and told him softly to calm his anger.

Khushi: sir. I won't lie to you saying I'm okay with whatever he did. but it's okay. let's forget about this. he is your son.I don't want to be the reason for you two to split.i never meant to join this family.lets forget about all this. I'm leaving after everything will be back to the track..please let's stop this fight..please sir.

Everyone seeing his angry face.but nobody notice the few fading tears fell from his eyes.sadly arnav notice that well.he quickly hold khushi to his arms and try to leave.but yuvaraj's voice stopped them.

Yuvaraj: I'll pay the money.lets end this bloody contract.leave her alone.

Now the scene turning heat. Arnav's eyes turns black cause of the tone he used on him. That's not a good sign.he slowly turn to look at him.he told him on his hard tone looking straightly at his eyes.

Arnav: If you think,I am taking her because of the contract,than you are really slow minded mr.khanna.she is not a deal ..she is the woman I'm cherishing with my whole life and the woman I'm blindly in love.nobody can take her away from me.i mean no bloody hell can take her away from I clear mr.khanna.

Yuvaraj took step closer.and like a roaring lion arnav got more closer and giving him a deadly warning through eyes. After knowing well what he feeling for khushi.he trying his best to keep his hands control. He will fuck his whole life if he try any his dirty tricks to separate them.seeing them almost going to rip each other.khushi quickly pulled arnav away and told yuva in pacifying tone.

Khushi: sir I know you are worried about me.but trust me. I'm not forced by him for anything.we both share equal feeling. And I'm looking forward to live my life newly with him.please don't worry about me..I'm me really I am.

Yuvaraj look at her with anguish seeing her telling that honestly.he fighting with the tears which pulling fights to falls.he look at Arnav with red eyes and told him warning way.

Yuvaraj: if you ever caused her any pain. Remember I'll make your life hell. Don't forget the fact I'm keeping my eyes on you.

Arnav: don't worry yourself too much.not just me. If anyone else try to hurt her or even try to get her away from me. That person won't be alive to see the next sunrise. You can trust me on this..(keenly) as her father...

He told him challenged way after pressing the last word.yuva glare him angrily and trying to intimidate him.but with who he trying..arnav didn't flinch a little. instead he patted yuva shoulder little bit roughly and left the house with khushi after amani return down with their luggages.neha tried to stop her.but she didn't give a damn.she happily left the house with her brother in law and sister ..they three left the house for forever hoping to start a new life without any of khanna's shade on it..

Parvin and ragav looking at their retreat figures with tears filled vengeanful eyes.little bit khushi know,she just awaked new villains on her only arnav can save her from the upcoming dooms they will plan for her..

Let's wait and watch.


So how is today episode ?

Sorry for little late update. I'm just got little busy with one of my cousin sister wedding preparations.that fiasco will end after December.

So you guys enjoyed today episode ?

What you guys think about it?

I feel something more going to you feel too?


Please leave you guys comments.and tell me your all honest opinions.


  1. New villains my foot why should khushi suffer more when they're the one's that tries to destroy her life, it's time for Khushi to live happily and ragav and his witch mother to suffer, stop making Khushi a target all the time and let all those evil people plans fail....Nice update

  2. Love this update can't wait for the next one pls update soon thanks

  3. Amazing Update
    Glad to see Khushi leave Khanna's house with Arnav and loved Amani supporting both her sister and her jiju. Looks like Parvin and Raghav will team up together to revenge Khushi for the pain they had to go thru because of her in front of Yuvaraj but why worry when Arnav is there to protect his love from every danger.

    Eager for the next one

    Eager for the next one.

  4. Awesome update dear.... hope Arnav save kushi from raghav and Parvin dear....both should feel hell in Arnav hands dear...

  5. I hope they live happy life.

  6. Once again fab update. Hopefully arnav protects kush nd the little one from parvin nd co. Waiting to how they will overcome all the problem

  7. Thank God Kushi n Amani went with Arnav. But, with new villains popping up, hopevthey lead a blissfull life amd Arnav takes them somewhere n protects them

  8. Wow it was awesome 😍

  9. Finally she left with him.. Thats good.. Its good to see tha atleast amani supports their relationship and acknowledge the sacrifices she has done..

  10. Good turning of events

  11. Loved the update as usual

  12. Waiting for the next part eagerly

  13. I hope they will be able to overcome this problem 🀞

  14. I really loved it....Please upload the next one fast yaar....

  15. Awesome update. Waiting to see them start a new life. Arnav should teach a good lesson to parvin and co. Neha should also realize her selfishness. Next update soon please

  16. Simply superb update..

    Like the way arnav confess his feeling to khushi then declare in front of ..

    Amani too good like the way she said jiju to arnav and helped him..
    Hope khushi doesn't do any foolish things seeing Neha living with khanna

    eagerly looking forward

  17. Can't wait for next update

  18. Superb.Can't wait for next update

  19. Loved the new episode.. Glad the girls are safe from them crazy people. Can’t wait to read the next episode… Awesome work, keep it up Please..

  20. Awesome nd amazing update

  21. Awesome update loved it soo much ❣️ I want khushi to live happily with Arnav atleast now when she is pregnant. New villains can go to hell. Arnav will take care of them if they try to hurt khushi. Eagerly waiting for your next upcoming updates...

  22. Wow another mind blowing update. Amazing πŸ‘ 😍 πŸ˜„

  23. Fantastic update and please please dear update soon

  24. Amazing story. Thank You so much.


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