Kabhi khushi kabhie gham. Sudden shock πŸ’•πŸ’•

 New day..at obroi mansion..khushi sitting in outside garden of their house..she knitting sweaters of newborns..it's something both her dadi and Nani taught her..and she love this job very much..now she is on her last trimester.because of triplet pregnancy,she can get kabir pain anytime..her actual due date end of the month.but she already getting the false pain.so all family members being alert every time..arnav give strict instructions to all the family members to be with khushi every second when he is not around her..he tried to be with her all time on this last month,but he couldn't do it because of heavy work schedule..his brothers handles all workload these months.but now his company need his presence undeniably..family members to supporting him on this busy schedule..but he never forget to call her and remind her to take medicines and foods on time even on this busy days..its just he is not with her live,but he always beside her as guarding Angel..everyone taking care of her like fragile flower..and eagerly waiting to meet their junior raizadas/obrois soon...

Khushi finished knitting fifth sweater and getting ready to knit another one..suddenly someone hold her hand,she look at the person and smile seeing kamini..she sit beside her holding tray full of fruits and glass of milk and told her smiling way..

kamini: let's take a short break khushi mummy..you forgot about everything when you knitting sweater for your muffins..its time for your snack..

Khushi: I really love this work kamini maa..its really enjoyable and calming..let me knit this one too.after that I'll have these..

Kamini: no way.your hubby already called three times to remind me to give you those fruits and milk..you have to eat this right away ,cause I need to inform him.otherwise you know about him right.he will be here next moment if he know you didn't have these,.so come on be a good girl and have your snack..

khushi pout hearing her.she know whatever kamini telling so true.if arnav come to know he will make big tantrum..she begin to eat the fruits keeping away knitting tools..she slowly start to eat talking with kamini..she too feeding khushi midway..talking way she finished eating all and had her vitamins..after eating she felt her legs became swollen.she couldn't sit on chair more,then with Kamini's support she slowly get up from chair and thought to take small walk around the garden..kamini hold her protectively and helps her to keep steps..suddenly khushi feels contractions,she grip kamini hand tightly and make painful face..cause of triple pregnancy ,usual contraction to little painful for her..kamini got panicked cum worried seeing her reaction and quickly grip her tightly,she asked her panicked way..

Kamini: what happened khushi.are you getting pain.shall I call arnav..

Khushi:(breath in and out and told her after pause) calm down kamini maa.I'm fine.its just usual contractions..nothing to worry about.you relax..no need to call arnav for this..come let's take a walk around garden.

kamini became relaxed after her words and supported her waist way and took her little walk around garden..walking helped her to reduce swollen legs..then kamini took her inside the house to take some rest..she should not get too tired..doctor strictly told her to be on bed how much she can.then kamini brought her to room and lay her on bed comfortably..she too feeling tired.after kissing her forehead kamini left the room..khushi too soon fallen sleep cause of tierdness..


At evening..it's nice rainy evening..cold breeze spreads everywhere and giving good atmosphere..khushi get up from her beauty sleep and saw its already evening..she sleeps almost five hours..she slowly got up from the bed,but quickly sit back feeling contraction again.its now little bit hurtful then earlier one..she hold her belly and took few long breath..she feel better after moment..then she slowly got up and left to washroom to fresh up..

After fresh up she came out of room..she slowly took step towards living room..she changed her room to downstair when they came to know about the pregnancy..they don't want to take risk on anything..then seeing her coming kamini get up and went to support her..she carefully hold her by shoulder and took her to living hall..arundathi rakesh and Parvati sitting here and smile seeing her coming,,then she took seat..arundathi offered her glass of badam milk with salad..she start to have it with few chat with them..it's time for her hubby to come..she looking the doorway with expecting eyes.after ten minutes door bell ring,on of servant open the door and welcome arnav inside..he come towards khushi after doing quick washing.he took seat beside her and kissed her forehead.she smile charmingly and rested her head on his shoulder.he asked her with full of care and love..

Arnav: how is my jaanu day went ..is my babies asked about me.do you guys did any new work today?

Khushi: our day went really nicely.today I knitted sweaters for our little ones.its quite enjoyable work..I planned to knit more tomorrow.

He smile hearing her.then everyone start to chat each other..when time going arnav notice khushi have little discomfort on her face.he got worried and asked her quickly.

Arnav: khushi are you feeling fine ? what happened love.why your face showing discomfort.

Khushi: nothing arnav .its usual tiredness and uncomfortable feel.don't worry there nothing to worry.

Arundathi:(same worry) if you feeling tired you must take rest khushi beta.why did you wake up..go have some rest.

Khushi: no dadi I'm fine.there nothing to worry..I'm okay..if I be with you all I'll feel better.there in room I feel all alone.its make me more uncomfortable..let me be with you all.please.

they look her with concerned face hearing her.she make puppy dog face and make them agree.but still arnav not satisfied..he feeling little kind of nervousness and tension seeing her dull face.its not giving him good sign.then he thought to be with her forgetting negative thoughts..after moment khushi again start to feel little discomfort on belly..she feel it's getting higher than earlier..her unknowingly grip arnav's hand.he panicked seeing her face and quickly hold her.

Arnav: khushi what happened..are you feeling pain.shall we go to hospital.wait let me bring the hospital bag.

Khushi: arnav relax.its nothing .just my usual contraction.I'll be okay after having quick rest.lets go to room.I'm feeling tired.

He little convinced hearing her,cause doctor already told them about this.cause of triplets pregnancy her last trimester will be little hard.she can feel comfy with bed rest and massage.then he slowly helped her to get up and hold her by waist to take her to room..everyone look at the going..suddenly khushi stopped moving feeling something funny on belly..she stood on spot few seconds..suddenly she feel some hot fluid coming from her uterus.its feel like peeing but it's not.she try to control it..but next moment something like water filled ballon burst inside her uterus.hot fluid splashed everywhere.she couldn't realised what just happend...

Everyone on living room got great shock seeing the scene front of them.everyone got big panic.arnav totally forget himself seeing her water bag just broke front of his eyes.he quickly carried her on arms and run out of house to go hospital...he don't know what to do.he running subconsciously..others quickly took her necessary things and run behind him on other car to hospital..the moment they all waiting for past nine month finally come.but it's really nerve racking.praying their devimayya.all hope to meet all three bundles with their mother soon...


Hello guys..here the episode.next episode will be the last one

Feeling sad to finish this story.but what to do.every story need a ending.then only another new story can come.

Soon after finishing this I'll publish my new story..its will be everyone favourite..I bet on it..first few episodes will be published on watty.then it's will be shift to blogger.so don't forget to support that story too..

Next episode will come soon.until that do comment for this episode,


  1. Loved the Update
    Eagerly waiting for the triplets to come

  2. Awsm update
    Eagerly waiting for triplets
    Hope they come without any problems
    Be safe
    Take care and update soon

  3. Fabulous update
    Eagerly waiting for your next updates

  4. Awesome
    Waiting for next update

  5. Excellent part excited to c triplets let it be 2boys and 1girl

  6. Nice part. Eagerly waiting to read last one


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