Deewanapan..unexpected meet✔️✔️

Both Khushi and kumud came to shopping mall planning to buy new collections..khushi wearing floral design anarkali salwar and left her hair  open,she not wearing much ornaments ,just mangalasustra and engagement ring with sindoor on forehead.
..kumud wearing same anarkali style but white satin design..both girls looking awesome on their outfits and grabbing everyone's attention in mall.both romancing around every shops holding hands..more then Khushi it's kumud who always crazy about's on of her hobby..both wondering around and grabbing whatever catching their eyes..

after doing almost two hours shopping both come the cafeteria on's less crowded.khushi went to order after asking kumud to sit.when she ordering their menu suddenly group of goons come there and stood closely to her..she start to feel uncomfortable about their presence and feel like to puke smelling high alcohol smell on them..she praying repeatedly to god don't let anything go wrong..but her prayers cut off when she feel on of goon start to notice her..he whistles looking her up and down and told to his group.

Goon: folks look at this hot chick.. Isn't she looking like fire on vodka..

Goon2: yeah buddy..she looking tempting..and look at her chest..its look ravishing..what's your size baby .

Khushi feeling disgusting hearing their comments..they start to laugh like crazy and trying to get close to everyone attention turn to the current situation..nobody come forward to rescue seeing they have weapons..Khushi try to move away..but they blocked her way and try to near her more..kumud get up from chair angrily seeing some bloody gooses ragging her friend..she quickly matched towards her and stand front of Khushi blocking her view from them..

Kumud: you bloody gooses let my friend go..dare if you cause problem to her..

Goon:(high voice) ohhh another hot our day is lucky is pussy cat other is wild's going to be fun to tame the both cats..

Kumud: shut your bloody mouth you bastard..let us go..otherwise you guys won't face good end..

Goon2: she have sharp mouth take care of her..I'll take care of the white deer behind her..come baby.come to me..

Saying that he try to hold khushi's hand..kumud slapped his face harshly and pushed Khushi more they got angry and circled around them and try to force them..kumud trying her best to block everyone wherever trying to near Khushi..and she protecting kumud..but both girls are helpless..nobody coming to help them..everyone standing around them with helpless face and feel pity for the girl..nobody have guts to help the girl..when one of goon try to pull khushi's duppatta ,suddenly someone punched that goon harshly and making him fell on ground..both girls stunned seeing the unexpected act and quickly wonder who come to rescue them..when they saw who is that both of them left speechless..

Atharv standing front of them with angry face.he start to beat everyone who all try to attack them.he guard both girls and pushed them from the fight..he beat all the goons..suddenly both girls alert him quickly seeing on of goon coming to attack him with knife..he quickly reacted at their yell and punched straightly on his jaw and make him unconscious..soon all goons left unconscious..some of people called the police and surrender goons to them..all the time both girls looking Atharv with thankful face..soon after everything finished he slowly come towards them.and asked Khushi on respectful voice..

atharv: are you okay babhi? I hope you both are fine ?

Khushi: we are fine atharv ji..thank you so much for helping us.if you don't come in time we don't know what might be saved our both honour..(joined her hand) thank you..I'll never forget this..

Atharv: babhi please don't do's my duty to protect you..we maybe not in good relation..but I always respect you as my bhai wife..please don't make me feel like outsider..

Khushi smile hearing him..then he smile back..then both don't know what to speak.when it's getting awkward suddenly kumud yelled..

Kumud: hey bagawan..Khushi he is bleading..

then Khushi and Atharv notice blood coming from his left hand's look like deep cut..she panicked seeing that and quickly hold his hand..

Khushi: hey devimayya ituna this happened..come lets go to hospital..

Atharv: babhi it's okay..I'll take care of don't have to take trouble..

Khushi: shut up..don't argue on this..lets go to hospital..

Kumud: yeah Atharv .you got injured because of us..we should take care of you..please come with us..

he couldn't deny seeing their worry for him..he then agree to come..then soon both bring him out of mall and take him to hospital on their car..


City hospital..

Atharv sitting on ward bed and getting his wounded hand dressed..Khushi and kumud sitting beside him on chairs and giving him moral support..soon after doctor finished bandaged him Khushi asked him concerning way..

Khushi: Doctor all okay na? Do we need to do any checkup?

Doctor: there nothing to worry's not any serious injure.there no damage to bones.few days rest is enough to heal the  wound..

After hearing doctor positive answer both girls feel relief..they smile at Atharv who looking them with soft stare.then all three come out of ward room and kumud went to pay the bill..he try to pay but back off after hearing khushi's strict reply..then they three came out of hospital and Atharv told them smiling way..

Atharv: thanks both took really big concern about me..I'll take my leave now..

Khushi: atharv ji's almost lunch time..and my house just few minutes distance from here..after whatever you did for us.we can't let you go without taking care well..please come with us to our house to have lunch..please don't say no..

Atharv: I would like to come babhi..but Arnav bhai won't be pleased to see me's will cause unnecessary problem..

Kumud: it's won't Atharv..actually Arnav bhaiyya went to office and he will return at evening only..there no problem happen..please come na..and I'm sure you will love our Nani handmade food..

He smile hearing her..he don't have heart to dent their sweet invite..then he slowly nodded his head.they two smile at his approval.soon after that they three board to khushi's car and take route to Gupta house..


Atharv getting good treat in Gupta house..all three ladies giving him royal treatment..after reaching to house.nani surprised seeing a young man with her granddaughters.then both girls narrated her whatever happened in mall..first she panicked shocked hearing that.then soon she thanked Atharv with whole heartedly..then Khushi informed her she bring him for lunch..soon hearing that Nani went to do her magic in kitchen.she won't to take very good care of the person whole saved her he sitting on dinning table and being served delicious food   by Khushi ..he overwhelmed and truly touched by the way they treat he fully get to know khushi's soft down to earth personality..all these days he thought she too will hate and be rude with him like Arnav..but she completely opposite to the way he think about her..he can now understand why her Arnav brother loves her this much..she is someone who cannot be find in life soon..they three took very good care of him..and filled his both heart and stomach with love..

He sitting with ladies after having whole meal or said feast..he slowly start to have normal chat with them..Nani really like his friendly personality..he not doing or saying anything to impressed her like his brother..and she like that about him very much..he respectable about his every words ..he is a born charmer..that's what Nani thought about him..when they chatting suddenly they hear door opening sound and surprised by someone sudden entry..

Arnav enter to house worriedly and stopped on track seeing someone completely unexpected in this house..his face holding both cold and worry reaction..Khushi quickly got up seeing him suddenly and went towards him immediately seeing his cold stare at Atharv..he cupped her check and asked her with full worry..

Arnav: what happened to you Khushi..why didn't you answer my you know how much worried am..and I got more worry when I come to know you went to hospital..why did you go there.what happened to you..

Khushi: woo arnavji something happened in mall..some goons try to harass me and kumud..

Arnav: what!!..why don't you called me..are you okay something happened ?

Khushi: I never thought it's will get serious..( look at Atharv) thanks to Atharv we got saved from big problem..he come to correct time and saved our dignity..and he got injured when fighting with that goons so we took him to hospital..then I invited him for lunch..he did big help for us arnavji..we have to be grateful to him..

he hear everything silently and look at Atharv with firm look.nobody speak anything after that,,Khushi really hope he got it what big help Atharv did for them..then she sigh in relief seeing his calm face and smile at him..he then slowly come living hall and now standing before's little awkward moment..Atharv  don't know what to do after seeing his brother..there no way he going to talk with him.then Atharv get up from sofa and told them with smile..

Atharv: thank you for your all sweet gesture,,I never expected this..thanks's really nice knowing you..I should take my leave now..

he bid bye to everyone and take step towards door..when he about to keep next step he stopped hearing Arnav firm voice..

Arnav: Atharv.....thank you...for saving my wife and sister from trouble..!!

Big smile appear on Atharv face hearing his words..he is on cloud nine seeing first time in life Arnav talking with many days he yearned for this moment..he smiling big and told him with happy voice..

Atharv: you're welcome's my duty to help babhi..

Arnav look at him with none reaction face.then he left the house with big smile.ladies smile seeing arnav's action and happy to see he thanked him without thinking their relation state..then he left to their room leaving the ladies alone..after few seconds he called out khushi's name..she went to look after him..then kumud and Nani went out to chit chat to forget about the bad mall event..but cause of this event two souls both crashed on way...and I think you all know who is that..


Hello darlings!!

How is today episode? Good or bad ?

hmmm Atharv sound nice and genuine what you guys think ?

Is that  his interact with them going to change something ? good or bad way ?

Tell me your all thoughts on comment.and let me know what you guys guessing..


  1. This is getting interesting... I hope the goons were just an co-incidence and not something that Arjun planned for whatever reasons... Though I think after this even if Arnav doesn't show outwardly, he'll be little less rude to Atharv that is if he is as genuine and nice... hopefully the story doesn't take a twist to make him villain. Also after today's incident Atharv would be very happy about Arnav talking to him nicely and this would lead a clash to Arjun openly or Arjun will boil in anger from inside... let's see what happens...

    Update soon!

  2. Liked Arnavs gesture knowing his arrogance Hope Athrav is genuine & not like Arjun and if he is really nice then he can knock some sense in his brother also to stop thinking of Khushi Just hope things don't go bad now in Arshis life let them face things together. From now on am sure Arnav is going to become more possive for them. Let's see what else is in store . Thanks for updating

  3. Hope Athrav genuinely saved Khushi and Kumud and doesn't have any motive behind it and the goons being there is just a coincidence and it is not planned. Athrav is surprised seeing Khushi's care and thinks she is not like his Arnav Bhai who is rude and arrogant towards them. Loved how Arnav appreciated and thanked Athrav for helping Khushi and Kumud putting behind his hatred.
    Eager for the next one

  4. I really liked atharv character just hope he's not like his brother n maybe he n kumud can make a pair ��

  5. So Atharva and Kumud wow nice pair and I think I will help to improve relationship between Arnav and his father nice update loved it thank you

  6. It was awesome update I hope Arnav and Khushi can reunite with family

  7. Awesome one
    But should see this change will be good or bad

  8. Archana venkatesan
    Update is superb. I hope no problems come between arshi because of this incident. Hope atharv really good. Continue soon eagerly waiting.

  9. Fabulous update.atharv is not like his brother

  10. Wow its fantastic good to see atharv's character glimpse hope he's not playing vile with arnav

  11. Wow awesome. let's see how this plays out.....

  12. Amazing hope arnav will be less rude to arthav now and its not planned by arjun if not arnav will bring hell

  13. amazing update but less arshi update ...hope arthav will knock some senses to arjun and i just hope it is not arjun who planned this cause if arnav comes to know anything than he will gone from this earth ....waiting for actual arshi romance plz

  14. Awesome update loved aatharv's character hope this change is good..waiting for next part eagerly

  15. Nice one.finally both talked new lovebirds.waiting for next update eagerly

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  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Awesome update 😍
    Hope arnav will not get angry on khushi for this
    Plz give more arshi romance

  19. Loved it! ❤
    I think atharv is a good guy

  20. It was awsm
    Peoples are like this only They will only talk about girl empowerment but will never help her in problem
    Atharv seems to be genuine also I think he & kumud are going to be paired
    Let's see what happens
    I like Arnav's stand here although he don't share good relationship with Malik's still he thanked him why not after all he saved khushi & kumud but I didn't expected him to be that soft & calm
    Loved it !

  21. Nice update..

    I thought its was arjun's plan..
    Kumud arthav??
    I thought kumud Aman will be pair..

    Looking forward

  22. Nice update dear.... Ya look like Arthav nice....

  23. Ummm....can anyone please tell me that where can I read this story from starting?? I was checking the blog for earlier chapters but couldn't find if there is anywhere else I can find the story that will be great....


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