Kabhi khushi kabhie gham..face off๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•

Akash come face to face with priyanka and hold her hands..everyone looking the scene with shock and waiting to see what gonna happen next..he hold her hands tightly and told her in love cum apology voice..

Akash: I know I hurted to too much in past..I didn't respect your true feelings for me..I give my love to someone who just thought to use me..and I know I realised my mistake after big damage..but now I fully realised my mistake and requesting you to forgive me..I'm sorry priyanka I'm really sorry..please forgive my mistake..I truly regret my behaviour in past..give me a chance to prove my feelings to you,.give me a chance to treat you as queen of my life..please accept my love priyanka..

Everyone completely dumbstruck hearing his love proposal..all of them going to get heart attack getting shock to shock from him..priyanka looking him with wide eyes..she don't know is it true or some day dream..she want to pinch herself to check it..but when his warm hand touched her hands she realised its not a daydream..it's a damn reality..this is truly happening..she want to scream louder to express her emotions but she not in the right mind set to do that..then she did something which clicked to her mind immediately..she hugged him tightly forgetting whole world..she don't want anyone expect him at this moment..whole family looking the scene with shock and surprise..everything happening likes in films..then they broke the hug realising everyone present there..no one speak for moment..then mami come forward and told obrois with happy voice..

Mami: janviji this is what we wished from the beginning..now akash realised his mistake and truly loves our priyanka..lets get them marry forgetting the past wounds..please don't break this relation..

Janvi: we only want our daughter happiness manorama ji..if they both sharing mutual feelings now..we should get them married as elders..we already forget the past incidents..

Whole raizada family smile happily hearing her reply..actually they all in cloud nine after whatever akash did..they all really happy about akash's decision..finally he realised his mistakes..obrois also happy about another marriage got fixed on this mandap..when all expressing their happiness priyanka look at khushi who didn't speak a word all the time..then family members too notice..she carrying a hard expression on her face and no one can judge what exactly running on her mind..priyanka slowly move towards khushi and asked her in low voice..

Priyanka: didi why you not saying anything? Are you not happy about this? Don't you like me getting married to akash? I know didi you already told me many times to forget akash ,but I couldn't do that..I'm sorry didi..please don't be angry with me ..please accept my relation with akash..

Khushi:( firm voice) as sister I can only advice you priyanka..I don't have rights to take decision on your life.i told you to move on for your own good ,I can't force you to do that as I don't have that right..now if you feel you doing right thing..then do it..I won't say anything..after all it's your life..

Priyanka lowered her head hearing her reply..she can feel khushi's disappointment on her voice..everyone went silence after her reply..then she told akash firmly..

Khushi: but akash whatever you did today..I'm completely against that..

Akash:( confused tone) what I did babhi..what are you talking about..

Khushi: ( cold tone) about what you did to payal..do you think whatever you did today totally a heroism? you handled the matter really wrong way..did you realised that you humiliated her front of everyone today..you can't do something like that..if you want to stop the marriage you could've done that before..you had plenty of time to do that before coming to this mandap..you wasted  the whole time and did something like that front of whole guests..did you ever think about her life after what you did today..don't think that I'm supporting her as any step sister affection..I'm talking for her as woman who worry about another woman life..what if no one marry her after humiliation she faced today..her life might be get spoil because whatever you did ..you don't have rights to do something like that..

Anjali: but khushi payal need to get punishment for her greedy mentality..she faked her love for akash to get luxury life..everyone need to know about her khushi.thats what akash did,whats wrong in that..even you wished to stop this wedding remember.

Khushi: yes of course I wished to stop the marriage..that's because I don't want any guptas presence on my life..when I come to Delhi I thought to have a new life without guptas but they again make a entry..that's why I wished to stop the marriage..but I never wished payal to get a worst end from akash..I never want to humiliate her front of everyone..and di you have to remember it's was akash who showed interest on her first.he is the one who asked her to marry him..and she thought to use the chance to get a luxury life..now can you see who is more wrong here..if he don't want to marry her after aware of her greedy,he could've done that before this moment come..now he put black mark on her future..what if something horrible happened to her cause of this..(to priyanka) priyanka I don't have problem with you getting married to him..but he must repair payals name before anything happen in future..

Everyone went deep silence hearing her words..they all know she is right..akash feeling little guilty about his action..he feel whatever khushi said 100% true..her future might be get spoil cause of what he did.arnav hold khushi's hand who actually pissed off because of akash act..somewhere he happy about her concern to payal even when she don't like her..she proved to everyone she always stand for justice..then soon everyone constraint on newlyweds and did the other staffs..actually today everyone double happy..they shared the happiness..after some rituals performed everyone send off newly couples to their first night room..after sending them elders sit to talk about akash priyanka marriage..khushi went to fresh up after whatever happens..like khushi said arnav advices akash to do something about payal when she need her name to be clean up..after long talk obrois left the mansion..raizadas to left to their rooms to have rest after all drama..but it's confirmed that no one will forget whatever happened today to life long..it's something unforgettable...


Next day..everyone wake up with new energy in raizada mansion..khushi helped her sister to start her first day in raizada mansion..both sisters enter to kitchen and make breakfast with jolly chatting..it's was one of rasam..new bride need to cook something sweet for the first time..both sisters made so many items for breakfast..and made sweets too..all are eagerly waiting to eat the foods made by obroi sisters..

Soon everyone had yummy breakfast satisfied way..all praised obroi sisters cooking skills..then soon everyone gifted her for the rituals..after all task end Nani told arjun to take bavya to obroi mansion for phagpere rasam..then arjun bavya left to get ready..rest of them join to living hall for casual chat..after some minutes arnav notice khushi's absence from long time..she now where to see..he left the group and look for her everywhere in downstair..then he thought she might be in room..he rushed to his room and quickly opened the closed door of his room..after opening the door what he seen completely unexpected..

Khushi sitting on recliner holding her papa's diary..tears falling from her eyes reading it..he gulp his saliva painfully seeing her broken state..he can guess she already read the page which she not supposed to read..he took step towards her..he saw her eyes are cold blooded red with tears..those tears falling out of many emotions..mainly pain and anger..suddenly she fall to floor holding the diary to chest..he quickly went towards her and try to support her..she asked him brokenly.

Khushi: why..why..why he took the decision..why he took the decision without thinking anything..why he did that..why he did something like that..why..

Arnav: khushi..khushi control yourself..you must handle this calmly.don't let your emotions take control of you..please khushi..

He try to pacify her telling many things..but she is not in the state to calm down even a bit..suddenly she get up from the floor firmly and marched out of the room..arnav try to caught her but she marched away with great power..he run behind her calling her name..she marched out of the house and left the mansion taking her car..family members who present in hall surprised by the sudden scene..then they asked arnav who come calling her name..

Arjun: bhai what happen to babhi? why she going out angrily? is everything okay..

bavya:( worried tone) jiju what happened to didi..she never get angry this much without any strong reason..what happen please tell me..

Then arnav told the family about diary truth..everyone totally shaken up hearing the cold truth..bavya went to fall hearing the revelation..her mind fell into coma stage facing the harsh reality..arjun hold her quickly and try to calm..

arjun: bavya..please don't lose yourself..you must be strong for your di.we don't know where she going..we must stop her before she do anything out of anger..please bavya..

Tears falls from her eyes thinking about her sister state..he is right.she must be strong to calm her family..soon she stood up and told arnav quick voice..

bavya: jiju we must stop didi form doing anything horrible..

he nodded at her quickly soon bavya arjun arnav akash rushed out of house and board to car.other members crying in house thinking about khushi's state..then Nani quickly told Shyam to take her to obroi mansion..right now both families need each other to calm their pain..

Arnav recklessly driving the car with lots of tension.he don't know where khushi must be went..she already went too far..bavya crying in arjun's shoulder..she can't digest the fact her papa's actual fate..how he decided to do such a tragic event.this is not something she wished to know on her first day..akash try to locate her car gps..but nothing working right now..all of them really worried about her where about..


Khushi run and knee front of her devimayya..there no one in mandir expect her right now..painful tears running on her eyes..her heart cannot digest the horrible truth she come to know..right now she don't know where to go expect this place..no one presence there to witness her broken state..when she crying suddenly she hear a voice she didn't wished to hear at this moment..

Nandini: khushi..khushi beta kya hua..

Nandini who come to mandir to have a peaceful time after whatever happened last night..shocked to see her daughter crying front of devimayya..she quickly rushed towards her and asked her most worried way..

Nandini: khushi kya hua meri bacchi...why are you crying like this..what happened baccha..is everything okay in house..why you not saying anything..say something khushi..

khushi's whole body start to shake violently hearing her voice..when she try to touch her khushi hold her hand tightly and look at her with cold blooded red eyes..Nandini shocked to see her like this..she saw her exactly like this 12 years ago..today she again witnessing the same violent khushi..she nervous to see her like this..khushi grip her hands tightly and told her in dead voice..

Khushi: all these years I keep you away from my life thinking you left me alone after my papa death..but today I come to know you're the reason my papa passed away..because of you my papa left this world..

Nandini:( confused voice) khushi what are you saying..I don't understand anything..I never did something like what you thinking..


Voice struck on Nandini after hearing khushi's statment,,she don't know how to react..her whole body got numb..she staring khushi with blank expression..she snap back when khushi throw the diary on her face..so much angry and pain building inside khushi seeing Nandini..she grip her arms tightly and told her in most louder voice..

Khushi: do you know what he written on this diary..he written about your affair with shashi behind his back..he written how much he went through knowing about it..he written his last few words before he died..he committed suicide because of your betrayal.do you understand what that supposed to mean.you are the reason for everything..do you understand Nandini Gupta...(broken tears) why Nandini..why..why whenever I face pain in my life.why you're being the reason for it..why can't you give me the happiness every mother give to their children..why you being the main reason for my broken life..why answer me..

Tears falling from nandini's eyes hearing her questions..she don't have answers to give her..after what she come to know she don't have right to defend her..khushi freed her arms and told her brokenly..

Khushi: all these years everyone thinking I disowned you from my life because you married someone else and started a new life.. But that's not true..did you ever thought why I disowned you..because you left me all alone when I need you most that time..when papa left the house as corpse I thought now my whole world is my maa..she will be there for me after he left..she will give me both father mother love to me..that time I don't want anyone expect you..I need you to relax my little heart which totally shattered after papa left..but I never know you just waited for him to left this world..I truly won't be angry with you getting married after papa passed away..even you need a life partner that time..but the time you chose to move on completely wrong time..why you decided to move on so soon..why couldn't you give me a little pace to recover from his death fully..isn't that too much I asked..you always complaint me for throwing you out of house..but did you ever think about your children who feel totally like a orphan when having a mother..do you know how much I feel broken when you planned to have another child with your new husband..you never understood my inner taruma..every night I slept thinking you will come to us soon after realising how much your daughters needs you..even now..after I return to home back I thought you will come to us realising your both daughters needs you badly..but you never give at least a small try..why you can't ask us to accept you back..I always been ready to accept you if you come back only as my maa Nandini Singh obroi..but you never did that..your first priority always been that guptas..of course I feel pain when I see my maa giving her love to another child..I feel jealous when she giving another person important place in her world..but you never realised that..you erased our names from your life long ago..you make me longing for mother love..every single day you make me feel orphan when you give your love to payal..I don't care if anyone calls me selfish or heartless..but no one ever try to understand my inner pain..the pain you caused not something can calm.its still fresh on my heart..

Nandini falls on ground hearing khushi heart out..she cry hitting her head..she feeling like murderer after everything khushi said..she completely dead after whatever she said..khushi wipe her tears and told her in dreadful voice..

Khushi: after what I come to know today..you never deserve to be called as mother or wife..you killed the person who mean the world to me..you not did a good thing separating my papa from me..I will never forgive your this crime..I already throw you out of my life..here after I don't wish to see you..you don't deserve to live in this world..you don't deserve to live this life after taking my papa's life..I won't let you live..

telling way she pull out the thirshool from ground and try to stab her..but suddenly someone hold her from attacking Nandini..arnav and other who heard everything she said quickly reacted when she pulled the thirshool..arnav quickly hold khushi and try to get her away..akash arjun pushed Nandini away and saved her from khushi..she try to get free from his hold..arnav couldn't hold her strongly because of her violent behaviour..she reacting like devimaa possessed her ...her face and voice filled with full of anger and revenge..

Khushi:( scream) leave me..leave me arnav..I want to kill her..she don't deserve to live in this world after snatching my papa's life..she must die..leave me..let me kill this murderer..leave me..

Arnav:( loud voice) khushi don't take harsh step which you will regret later..calm down khushi..I said calm down..

Nandini:( tears voice) leave her arnav.her decision is right..after whatever I did I don't deserve  to live..let her kill me..let her kill this murderer..

Arnav: ( angry loud) don't talk nonsense..go away...don't stand front of her..I said go away Nandini aunt..

Arjun drag her away from khushi eyes..arnav try to control violent khushi..akash forcefully took the weapon from her hand..when she try to react suddenly she fall unconscious...they three shocked by this..he quickly took her to arms and rushed to hospital..


Hi buddies!!  How is today episode?

What you all think about khushi's reaction for Nandini? did you all happy about her reaction?

now everything exposed..what might be can happen in future?

I think it's time for arshi's romance which they missed too much cause of everything.

Tell me your all thoughts on update and do comment and click the ads please..


  1. Oh my awesome dear... Really deserve nandhini like that... Before I have sympathy about nandhini now I want to kill her... Really it's shame mother do like that with their children... Waiting for next dear

  2. terrific update.watever Khushi said to her mom was correct.

  3. Okay that was really unexpected one
    Whole update was something I expected and knew her reaction but holding trishool to kill Nandini that was totally a bold move
    I'm happy khushi come to know everything
    Maybe she fainted cause of stress
    I'm eager for new update from now only

  4. Wow so all truth is out good but first I liked how Khushi made Aakash realise his mistake he can't make a tamasha of anyone's life it's wrong and the second half where Khushi is pouring her anger on Nandini was nice no chd have to see this where a mother acta so selfishly now I want to see what is payal's reaction to the truth nice update loved it thank you

  5. Superb update
    Shocking twist
    Yes plz give some arshi moments
    Can't wait to read next part
    Plz update soon

  6. Now truth is out in front of everyone,i was feeling sory for payal,because akash should haven't insult her in front of guests,but now she is paying for his father's sin,now shashi or nandini feel the pain through payal,which they did to khushi and bhavya.....now waiting for khushi's decision or maybe some twist like khushi is pregnant..๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿคช๐Ÿคช๐Ÿคช

  7. I liked when khushi took step to give justice to Payal
    ... I m not feeling bad for Nandini she deserves it... But khushi's move was not right... She don't have right to kill anyone...

  8. Awesome update
    Yes whatever khushi said is correct akash should not spoil payal's entire future like that. Khushi is soooo much angry on nandini waiting to see what future holds for them.
    Eagerly waiting for next update

  9. Wonderful update. How much ever Khushi hates gupta's but still she thought of Payal's feeling being woman. Now truth is out, waiting to know more that will soon unfold.

  10. Amazing never thought khushi will think good about payal but whatever pain bcz of nandini, khushi went she will never be forgiven

  11. OMG๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ awesome update dear I can clearly understand khushi feelings . Eagerly waiting for next update

  12. omg ...amazing update ...waiting to see what future hold for khushi and nandini ...loved it...

  13. superb update.
    finally akash and priyanka reunited.
    khushi is shattered and very much angry
    now what will happen to guptas???
    other oberoi's reaction??
    payal future?
    continue soon

  14. Face off was with so much emotions that had kept inside the heart of khushi...waiting to c how arnav will take care of broken khushi...

  15. So much emotions. Hats off for this chapter.
    Something is still missing dear as her papa loves her so much then how can he leave like this. This is my point of view.
    Any good news ?

  16. Awesome update ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜‰

  17. Nice update...

    Like the way khushi told akash that he did wrong..

    The way she told him to clear payal name shows her goodness..

    Oh my khushi found the diaries...as expected khushi burst out...

    Hope she will be ok n arnav family helps her

  18. Amazing update, kushi's anger towards akash is correct, hope arnav will heal her broken heart. Please try to give regular updates yaar, it's seriously a cliff hanger ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ™‚

  19. I have no words dear
    Update. Next part soon

  20. Very terrific update whatever khushi said to her mother was ๐Ÿ’ฏ crt hope arnav handles khushi nd finally waiting for their pending romance

  21. Amazing Update

    What Khushi said to Akash was right about the way he treated Payal by calling off the wedding in front of everyone which for sure will create a rumors about Payal and spoil her future and also one can't build their relationship by spoiling others. Arnav is proud of his wife for standing up for right no matter who the other person is. Finally truth about Aditya's death came out in open. Khushi is devastated knowing it and finding her mother to be the reason behind all her pain. Whatever Khushi said to Nandini is right. She wasn't against her getting married and finding a life partner for herself but the time she choose was wrong. Khushi is not herself after her emotional breakdown. Hope with Arnav's support Khushi will be able to overcome her pain.
    Eager for the next one

  22. Hope the family come out from such a situation. No one should have a mother like Nandhini.

  23. Have expected such reaction from Khushi after she read the diary.. sad to see Khushi who have yearned so much for her mother and her love.. nice update..

  24. Wow. Amazing update.
    Hope arnav is supportive towards kushi at this difficult time.
    Looking 4ward to their romance ☺

  25. Khushi's reaction to Nandini's betrayal is completely justified and expected, it's not easy for anyone to discover that his/her mom betrayed his/her dad and was the reason of his death, I just hope that she won't be angry at arnav for hiding the diary till now and understanunderstands his reasons to do so, regarding akash, I'm glad that he finally realized his mistake and broke of his marriage with payal, but I agree with khushi that his way was wrong, no matter how wrong or bad she was, no girl deserves to be humiliated like this, he could've done this earlier and privately, now I'm so curious to know how everyone else will react to the new revelation, speciaspecially aditya's parents

  26. lovely update. continue soon.

    Archana Venkatesan

  27. so cool,awesome update

  28. Lovely update. Update soon


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