Kabhi khushi kabhie gham..Love confession 💕💕
There sangeet arrangements going on in raizada mansion..day after tomorrow marriage..everyone getting ready for sangeet..in khushi's room she getting ready for her sister's sangeet happily..she wear red deep neck choli with designer duppatta
she made her hair to messy style braid and she looking absolutely beautiful..when she try to apply sindoor someone hold her hand..she smile looking arnav..he took a pinch and applied on her forehead..she smilie at him..he kissed her forehead and told her huskily.."you looking absolutely gorgeous dove..I couldn't control myself from ravishing you ".....he nuzzles her deep neck..she blush at his act and told him blushing way.."arnav it's not time for romance..everyone waiting for us..it's time for my family to come..lets go"....he kisses her neck and cheek and hugging her tightly..she hugged him back..then she sensed something different on his hug.she stare at him confusingly and asked him softly.."what happen arnav..why you looking tension?"...he seems like he preparing himself to tell her something..she waiting for him to reply..then he hold her arms and told her.."khushi I want to tell you something..actually want to give you something..I don't know how you going to react,.but you have to know this..i.."his talk cut off by anjali's call from outside..she call khushi out of room.."khushi you're family members are arrived..come soon"....khushi smile excitedly hearing her..soon she try to go out..but arnav try to stop her.."arnav lets talk about your matter later..we have to go downstairs now..I promise after function end I'll give my time for you.."telling that she hold his hand and take him out of the house..he also thought its maybe wrong time to tell her..now she is excited about her sister's function..he can tell this later..but he must tell her this before the wedding..
Now everyone present in living hall..both obrois and Guptas are joined to function..the whole mansion decorated beautifully...all looking so beautiful..and must said bavya looking extremely gorgeous today on her coffee colour outfit
.it's matching arjun's dress who wearing coffee brown sherwani with white pant..both looking very good to together..then other side payal wearing a choli with duppatta and looking beautiful and akash wearing sherwani which matching her dress..soon they started the function...there dance started with dhol beat..they make the couples sit on decorated chair and started the function..whole time khushi made sure everything perfect around her sister..she don't want any mistakes happens..when all going well everyone demand a dance from arnav khushi.arjun bavya requested them to dance for a duet song..then both arnav and khushi came to limelight and start to dance for a romantic song..everyone admired their chemistry and jodi and cheered for them..they both performed highly chemistry dance..when they finished dancing soon both couples joined to floor with them and all three couples start to dance for a song..arjun bavya dancing with the same passion and chemistry..but akash not showing that much interest on dancing..he try to hide the front of others..but buaji notice that really well..payal try to make him close to her but he maintains his maximum level of distance from her..nowadays he feeling really uncomfortable to be with her.,earlier he just want to be with her and want to make others accept her..but now when he witnessing her true inner self he feeling really disturbed and tension by her..he afraid that what if something goes wrong on his decision..he doing this marriage fully against his family wish..he now afraid what if his decision proved wrong..this is exactly what running on his mind currently..then after sometime their couple dance session finished and soon dance group start to dance..sangeet going with full swing..everyone really enjoying the function..when everyone busy on their world buaji calls payal and took her away from the crowd..they both come to one of pillar side then payal asked her..
Payal: buaji what happened..why you bring me here.
buaji: hare nandakishore..what are you doing payaliya..can't you see what's happening around you..why can't you see akash beta behaviour on you..
payal: what happened to his behaviour buaji..he being with the same way like from earlier..what's wrong with that..
Buaji:( sarcastic tone) really..are you telling this lie to yourself to make your heart feel peace payal..you well know he is not behaving same like earlier..there lots of changes on his behaviour payal..earlier he always be with you and support you whenever raizadas tell something..now he behaving exactly opposite..can't you see this difference on him..
payal:( low voice) you're right buaji..even I feel that..but what's there to worry about it..anyways I'm going to marry him within three days..there nothing to worry about his behaviour..after getting married I well know how to bring him to my track again..after all I'm his love,he have to bow down to me.
Buaji:( scolding tone) don't think like this stupid..there many things can happens between this three days..remember you still not married him..you should try to impress him how much you can before the marriage ..it's doesn't matter after marriage..what if any of your behaviour irritate him before the wedding..anything can happens payal..so you should be very careful around him.try to fill this gap between you both before the wedding...don't forget that you going to get the luxury life you always dreamed..don't make any mistakes which can be rise problem to you on fulfilling your dream..the respective rich life ahead of you just within small area..don't let it go by your foolishness..
payal.: I understand buaji..you're right I shouldn't let anything happens which can be harmful for my relationship with akash..finally I going to live the life which I always dreamed..that rich girl life..now I'm getting that from akash..money is more important to me..don't worry I won't make any mistakes which can be harmful for my goal of achieving a luxury life..I will correct my mistakes buaji..from now on I'll try to be close with akash..
Buaji nodded at her..then both left the place and join with others..but someone heard their whole conversation hiding behind the pillar..that person utterly shocked hearing their whole talk..but this talk make his mind to start think again..he to join with others thinking about his decision..now he know the truth and it's timed or him to think correctly and clearly..with those thoughts he join with others and dance with them..
When everyone dancing arnav notice shashi's dull tension face..he well know why he tension..when he took that diary from their room he know it's shashi who hide that those days..and he have fair enough reason to hide that..now even he is under big confusion..he don't know how to reveal this truth to khushi..but if she come to know about this,he can't imagine how is khushi's reaction going to be..he afraid what if another storm hit between khushi and Nandini..in her life her father topic is really sensitive..even after he left this world she belief he is with her and still carrying him soulfully inside her heart..now how can he reveal such a thing to her..his head spinning around thinking all this..but he have to tell this to khushi soon as possible..otherwise it's will bring misunderstanding between him and khushi..he can't allow something like that to happen between them..he decided to tell this to khushi soon as possible..
Sangeet function going well with everyone's own thoughts..there just two days for the wedding..whatever they all thinking they have to decided their final decision before the wedding..hope God show them correct path to take correct decision..
At night...all of them went to their own rooms after having dinner together..akash looking the moon standing on balcony..he lost on his thoughts..actually one particular thought..today whatever he heard just messed his mind..after hearing payal buaji conversation he mentally broke down..the trust he had on payal and little bit of love he had on her until today just vanished away after hearing her true self..he never thought payal marrying him for his wealth..he feeling really depress and mental break down..all these days he fought for her front of his family members and went against all of them..now seeing his failure on understanding her just making him broke..now he don't have anyone to let out his pain and emotional..here no one beside him to share his inner trauma..and he can't blame anyone for that..whatever happening with him all cause of his own mistakes..now he can't even back off from his decision..he is totally under a big dilemma...when he lost in his thoughts suddenly he feel someone's presence beside him..he turn with hope seeing someone approached him..snd he got smile on his face seeing priyanka standing front of him with heart warming smile..suddenly he got lost on her beauty..she standing front of him wearing red designer saree and let her hair lose
...the moon light making her look more gorgeous..without his knowledge he admiring her charming beauty..she blush seeing his admire look..this is first time he looking her like that and she love it so much..then she asked him on soft voice..
Priyanka: may I know why you standing here all alone and having lost expression on your face..
Akash:( smile) just thinking about my life..thinking about whatever happens till today..thinking about what to do next..
she give him a confused look hearing his reply..there mixed reply on his voice..then both got silence for a moment..priyanka stare at moon with soft smile..he look at her with admiring smile..then after moment he asked her lost way..
Akash: priyanka do you feel like whatever I'm doing it wrong? Is there anything I missed out to understand..am I doing correct or wrong?
Priyanka: ( smile) unfortunately I can't give the answer to you akash..I can't tell you that you right or wrong.but one thing I want to say..yes you missed out many things to understand..there many things you understand wrongly..but whatever you doing now asking your heart..you feel payal is your better half..and you being firm on that belief..and no one can change your beliefs akash..( teasing tone) but still you asking me then you just missed out to understand my love on you..
He look at her with surprised face hearing her..she avoid looking his eyes after that..she keep looking the moon..he play it again whatever she said..yes she is correct..he never respected her love on him..he suddenly feels guilty..he now regret about his foolishness to reject her..right now there so many emotions running around his heart..then first even time he thought to give a chance to the feel he feeling about priyanka..it's true..somewhere deep down he feel a call out of feeling when she present around him..he didn't notice that fully before..but now he feeling that very openly..he slowly cupped her cheeks and make her look at him straightly eyes to eyes..she look at him with so much if love..he got lost on her depth of true love eyes and thought to do exactly what his heart telling him right now..he took her lips for passionate filled kiss..she completely freeze by his unexpected act..she forget to react..but soon her emotions took power of her body and she kissed him back with same love and passionate..both kissing each other with full of emotions..this lonely love night witnessed their confession of feelings..they both kiss each other forgetting whole world..when they feel difficult to breath akash broke the kiss..they both breathing harder after sharing their first kiss..soon they realised what happens and shocked to react..but he still holding her tightly..then priyanka came out from his grip and try to go..but he quickly hold her Hand and stopped her from moving..
Akash; priyanka wait..we need to talk..
Priyanka: you going to marry akash..there nothing to talk more..
his grip on her lose and she left the place..now his mind thinking about his moment with priyanka..his heart under the big confusion..he can't think properly..he depressingly fall on floor and thinking about his life frustrated way..
Hi darlings !! How is today episode ?
Finally akash let out his feelings on priyanka and kissed her..what you all think about it..
And cuties don't worry in next episode I'll reveal what actually stored on adithya's diary.till that let you're imagination free and try to guess what might be inside the diary..
For all who feel there no scenes of arshi..after revealing the truth there going to be lots of arshi moment,,and remember still there both not consummated..so I'll make it really hot and spicy..
And what you all think about guptas..do you think khushi should forgive them and move on from her father death?
Tell me you're all thoughts on comment section and let me know your all guesses..
And tell me what story you all want next..

Now everyone present in living hall..both obrois and Guptas are joined to function..the whole mansion decorated beautifully...all looking so beautiful..and must said bavya looking extremely gorgeous today on her coffee colour outfit

Payal: buaji what happened..why you bring me here.
buaji: hare nandakishore..what are you doing payaliya..can't you see what's happening around you..why can't you see akash beta behaviour on you..
payal: what happened to his behaviour buaji..he being with the same way like from earlier..what's wrong with that..
Buaji:( sarcastic tone) really..are you telling this lie to yourself to make your heart feel peace payal..you well know he is not behaving same like earlier..there lots of changes on his behaviour payal..earlier he always be with you and support you whenever raizadas tell something..now he behaving exactly opposite..can't you see this difference on him..
payal:( low voice) you're right buaji..even I feel that..but what's there to worry about it..anyways I'm going to marry him within three days..there nothing to worry about his behaviour..after getting married I well know how to bring him to my track again..after all I'm his love,he have to bow down to me.
Buaji:( scolding tone) don't think like this stupid..there many things can happens between this three days..remember you still not married him..you should try to impress him how much you can before the marriage ..it's doesn't matter after marriage..what if any of your behaviour irritate him before the wedding..anything can happens payal..so you should be very careful around him.try to fill this gap between you both before the wedding...don't forget that you going to get the luxury life you always dreamed..don't make any mistakes which can be rise problem to you on fulfilling your dream..the respective rich life ahead of you just within small area..don't let it go by your foolishness..
payal.: I understand buaji..you're right I shouldn't let anything happens which can be harmful for my relationship with akash..finally I going to live the life which I always dreamed..that rich girl life..now I'm getting that from akash..money is more important to me..don't worry I won't make any mistakes which can be harmful for my goal of achieving a luxury life..I will correct my mistakes buaji..from now on I'll try to be close with akash..
Buaji nodded at her..then both left the place and join with others..but someone heard their whole conversation hiding behind the pillar..that person utterly shocked hearing their whole talk..but this talk make his mind to start think again..he to join with others thinking about his decision..now he know the truth and it's timed or him to think correctly and clearly..with those thoughts he join with others and dance with them..
When everyone dancing arnav notice shashi's dull tension face..he well know why he tension..when he took that diary from their room he know it's shashi who hide that those days..and he have fair enough reason to hide that..now even he is under big confusion..he don't know how to reveal this truth to khushi..but if she come to know about this,he can't imagine how is khushi's reaction going to be..he afraid what if another storm hit between khushi and Nandini..in her life her father topic is really sensitive..even after he left this world she belief he is with her and still carrying him soulfully inside her heart..now how can he reveal such a thing to her..his head spinning around thinking all this..but he have to tell this to khushi soon as possible..otherwise it's will bring misunderstanding between him and khushi..he can't allow something like that to happen between them..he decided to tell this to khushi soon as possible..
Sangeet function going well with everyone's own thoughts..there just two days for the wedding..whatever they all thinking they have to decided their final decision before the wedding..hope God show them correct path to take correct decision..
At night...all of them went to their own rooms after having dinner together..akash looking the moon standing on balcony..he lost on his thoughts..actually one particular thought..today whatever he heard just messed his mind..after hearing payal buaji conversation he mentally broke down..the trust he had on payal and little bit of love he had on her until today just vanished away after hearing her true self..he never thought payal marrying him for his wealth..he feeling really depress and mental break down..all these days he fought for her front of his family members and went against all of them..now seeing his failure on understanding her just making him broke..now he don't have anyone to let out his pain and emotional..here no one beside him to share his inner trauma..and he can't blame anyone for that..whatever happening with him all cause of his own mistakes..now he can't even back off from his decision..he is totally under a big dilemma...when he lost in his thoughts suddenly he feel someone's presence beside him..he turn with hope seeing someone approached him..snd he got smile on his face seeing priyanka standing front of him with heart warming smile..suddenly he got lost on her beauty..she standing front of him wearing red designer saree and let her hair lose

Priyanka: may I know why you standing here all alone and having lost expression on your face..
Akash:( smile) just thinking about my life..thinking about whatever happens till today..thinking about what to do next..
she give him a confused look hearing his reply..there mixed reply on his voice..then both got silence for a moment..priyanka stare at moon with soft smile..he look at her with admiring smile..then after moment he asked her lost way..
Akash: priyanka do you feel like whatever I'm doing it wrong? Is there anything I missed out to understand..am I doing correct or wrong?
Priyanka: ( smile) unfortunately I can't give the answer to you akash..I can't tell you that you right or wrong.but one thing I want to say..yes you missed out many things to understand..there many things you understand wrongly..but whatever you doing now asking your heart..you feel payal is your better half..and you being firm on that belief..and no one can change your beliefs akash..( teasing tone) but still you asking me then you just missed out to understand my love on you..
He look at her with surprised face hearing her..she avoid looking his eyes after that..she keep looking the moon..he play it again whatever she said..yes she is correct..he never respected her love on him..he suddenly feels guilty..he now regret about his foolishness to reject her..right now there so many emotions running around his heart..then first even time he thought to give a chance to the feel he feeling about priyanka..it's true..somewhere deep down he feel a call out of feeling when she present around him..he didn't notice that fully before..but now he feeling that very openly..he slowly cupped her cheeks and make her look at him straightly eyes to eyes..she look at him with so much if love..he got lost on her depth of true love eyes and thought to do exactly what his heart telling him right now..he took her lips for passionate filled kiss..she completely freeze by his unexpected act..she forget to react..but soon her emotions took power of her body and she kissed him back with same love and passionate..both kissing each other with full of emotions..this lonely love night witnessed their confession of feelings..they both kiss each other forgetting whole world..when they feel difficult to breath akash broke the kiss..they both breathing harder after sharing their first kiss..soon they realised what happens and shocked to react..but he still holding her tightly..then priyanka came out from his grip and try to go..but he quickly hold her Hand and stopped her from moving..
Akash; priyanka wait..we need to talk..
Priyanka: you going to marry akash..there nothing to talk more..
his grip on her lose and she left the place..now his mind thinking about his moment with priyanka..his heart under the big confusion..he can't think properly..he depressingly fall on floor and thinking about his life frustrated way..
Hi darlings !! How is today episode ?
Finally akash let out his feelings on priyanka and kissed her..what you all think about it..
And cuties don't worry in next episode I'll reveal what actually stored on adithya's diary.till that let you're imagination free and try to guess what might be inside the diary..
For all who feel there no scenes of arshi..after revealing the truth there going to be lots of arshi moment,,and remember still there both not consummated..so I'll make it really hot and spicy..
And what you all think about guptas..do you think khushi should forgive them and move on from her father death?
Tell me you're all thoughts on comment section and let me know your all guesses..
And tell me what story you all want next..
awesome part...
ReplyDeletenow please Akash break your marriage..
no khushi shouldn't forgive Gupta's never
awesome update
ReplyDeletefantastic update
ReplyDeleteso much confusion
update soon...
Amazing update please reveal what's in Aditya's diary please update soon eagerly waiting for the next update
ReplyDeleteAwesome update
ReplyDeleteKhushi should never forgive Guptas
plz post next part soon
no khushi shouldn't forgive Gupta's never
ReplyDeleteNice update. Is khushi nandhini and shashi's daughter.
ReplyDeleteAwesome update
ReplyDeleteNow that akash realised his mistake he should stop his marriage with payal and buaji and payal should suffer more want to know what is in the dairy
Please update soon plzzzzzzz
Please update soon and revile the diary truth
ReplyDeletewonderful update .let Akash break this marriage such a cunning gold digger is payal.Lets c wat is in the diary .
ReplyDeleteAwesome update. Good that Akash came out of his illusion and came to know payal's true face. Hope Akash and Priyanka get married.
ReplyDeleteAmazing update I really wanna know what is stored in Aditya diary n I hope know Akash will be able to take the correct decision
ReplyDeleteNice update.eagerly waiting for arshi's talk regarding dairy
ReplyDeleteI don't know khushi should forgive her mother or not because marrying her love is not wrong from my view... But ignoring her blood is wrong... And about akash he should call off this marriage... Because Payal is not right for him...
ReplyDeleteNice update .What the mystery I feel Aditya might be already knowing about their Love .May be the truth Just mellows Khushi's anger but the only confusion is to why Arnav wants to tell everything to Khushi before Marraige by any chane r the Gupta's responsible for Aditya death or may be it was Aditya who wanted Nandini to remarry.{ Well these r just my assumptions } W
ReplyDeleteI guess it's high time Akash admitted his mistake and call off the wedding but still because of his eagerness he spoilt everything . VERY VERY Anxiously waiting for the
Next Update Please a request try to update soon this time
Awesome update yaar..
ReplyDeleteThank God that Akash realized about Payal & buaji. Love the scene b/w prinku & Akash...
Hell xcited for next update... What storm will come by the revelation of adithya's diary....
Wow. Very interesting update. Really loved the way Akash lost in Prinku, & Prinku had given the much needed reality check at exact time. Very eagerly waiting for next update to know about secrets of dairy.
ReplyDeleteAmazing there is lots of suspense and twist
ReplyDeleteAwesome dear loved it akash now realise what payal's love waiting to know truth
ReplyDeletesuperb update.
ReplyDeletenow akash won't marry payal. how will he convince priyanka and others?
what is the diary secret?
continue soon
I think she should not forgive the Guptas. And I think it is about Aditya's death.
ReplyDeleteNice update
ReplyDeleteGlad to see Akash started to realize his mistake in choosing Payal over Priyanka and he is the one who heard the conversation between Payal and Buaji. Whatever Arnav thought is right. It is he who should be letting Khushi know about the diary otherwise their relationship will be in trouble. Eager for the next one to know what is in the diary that makes Shashi trouble him so much thinking about it.
ReplyDeleteUpdate soon
Make everything right
awesome... loved it... akash should tell his decisions early to the family...i am very curious to know what is on that diary...
ReplyDeleteFabulous update
ReplyDeleteAwesome update waiting to know wat is in the diary nd khushi should punish the guptas badly
ReplyDeleteI think what Khushi decides to do depends on whats in the diary
ReplyDeleteFab update
ReplyDeleteFabulous update
ReplyDeleteTotally love it
Akash is realizing his feelings and Payal is showing her true colors. Excited to know what is in store in the next update
ReplyDeleteSuperb update
ReplyDeleteLoved it
Akash should stop this marriage
Want to know the secret soon
Eagerly waiting for next part
Plz update soon
Nandini doesn't deserves khushi's and Bavya's forgiveness, she didn't only betray their father's memory by marrying her love shortly after his death, in my opinion she also betrayed her daughters and her motherhood, she abandoned them when they needed her the most, when they needed her to comfort them and tell them that everything is going to be alright and that she'll always be there for them, but instead she always chose payal and her new family over them, maybe she realized her mistakes later, but by then it was too late, she already lost them, coming to akash, I really hope that he breaks up with payal as soon as possible, how could he even think of going through with the marriage after what he heard, neither he nor Priyanka deserve this, specially after what happened between them, I'm so curious to know what's written in aditya's diary, I just hope that it's not something that could lessen khushi's love and respect for her father, eagerly waiting for next part
ReplyDeleteNice update.waiting for arshi moments
ReplyDeleteawesome update.waiting for next.update soon
ReplyDeletesuperb update.
ReplyDeletecontinue soon.
Fabulous update once again
ReplyDeleteI'm eagerly waiting for Arnav to give diary to Khushi
Priyash little moment was lovely
Hope Aakash take decision soon
Nice update .
ReplyDeleteArnav should tell khushi before any misunderstanding come...
Akash needs to stand up n take decision after hearing payal still he is thinking
amazing twist n turn
ReplyDeleteGood episode
ReplyDeleteAkash instead of getting emotional should stand up for himself and decide what is good for him.. what is in that diary? eager to know.. loved the update.. Thanks
ReplyDeletenice update.
ReplyDeletecontinue soon