Kabhi khushi kabhie gham..revelation 💕💕

At arshi's room..

Arnav standing on balcony and thinking deeply looking the moon..he is lost on his own mixed world..now his only thought and fear is,how khushi going to react for the diary..of course he can't expect positive reaction from her..he look at the diary on his hand stare at khushi who is sleeping on bed peacefully without knowing anything..he took seat on recliner and opened the diary once...he start to read the diary once again..the first page itself started the fear on him..

"Dear diary..
If anyone reading this now then that's means I'm not in this world anymore..I just don't know what to say..until today I thought my whole life is simply perfect..with my beautiful daughters with lovely wife I thought I had everything on my life which a men demand on his life..but no ..I'm not living a perfect real life..I been in big fake world..the person who I thought only being my love and only loving me,actually loving another person..my wife Nandini loving another man truly then me..her heart beating another person name forgetting mine..and I couldn't bear that reality..when I saw the hugging him under the tree my whole heart just broken to million hearts..the thing that she is betraying me just killing me alive..I never imagined my innocent wife will do this much big betrayal to me..they both don't know I know their love affair ,but the moment I witnessed their love I just lost myself..I can't bear her betrayal...I can confront her about this,but I can't do that as my both daughters loves her so much dearly..I can't let them know their mother being unfaithful to me..I can't bring this reality before my babies..they can't bear this even I'm..but I can't live peacefully like nothing happened and live with her under the same proof..whenever I see her i always getting her scene with shashi..I can't live with this truth..I can't live anymore..you might be think I'm stupid to stop leaving because of this..but I'm weak after whatever I see..I can't bear her betrayal..she broke my love..and I can't live in this world anymore..I'm going to end my life..I know maa and dad will look after my babies..they will be fine with them..I don't want to live anymore..let her be happy with her love..today going to be my last day in this world..I will miss you my babies..but I will always look after you both from the sky..I'm ending my life because of your mom betrayal..but I always loves her..I will always look you three from sky...I'm sorry for taking this decision my babies..but I can't live anymore..hope you both understand my state..will always love you both..yours papa adithya...."

Tears falls from arnav's eyes reading the diary again..he can feel the pain of the man who written this..whatever happened with adithya not very good..betraying my your soulmate not easy to bear..when we thought she always loved you and forever yours,but suddenly you facing the reality on which she loving another person behind you..it's actually horrible experience..and nandini's betrayal made adithya to end his life..she been reason to his death..it's very harsh reality..now the new reality hit him hardly..all those years obroi family thinking adithya died on a accident..now what will they do if they come to know it's actually nandini's reason for adithya's death..he committed suicide cause of Nandini..it's will defiantly bring another storm between obrois and guptas..and khushi..he look at khushi with fear face..if she come to know Nandini is reason behind her papa's dead she won't take it easily..it's going to be big news for her..he really hope everything goes well when he tell her about the diary..but he know he hoping falsely..but he definitely need to tell her about this.he prayed to God to show him correct path to calm khushi from turning into killer..he placed the diary inside the cupboard and get on bed..he hugged her closely and waiting for tomorrow to come..

Next day morning..arnav get up from his sleep hearing sounds around the room..he sit on bed with sleepy eyes and look at khushi who doing something hurriedly running here and there..she wearing simple anarkali suit..he asked on morning voice..

Arnav:Khushi where are you going ?

Khushi:( smile) oh you're up..I'm going to my house arnav..

Arnav: what! Why suddenly?

Khushi:actually last night I decided to go obroi mansion to help dada dadi there..you know right there no one to help them,even chacha chachi don't come still..so I have to go there to help dada dadi and bavya totally needs my help on everything..tomorrow I'll reach here with them..

she told him everything quickly and did last touch up to go,,then arnav remember about the diary and get up quickly to tell her about it..

Arnav: khushi I have to tell you something..

Khushi: oh yeah you told me yesterday too..what to want to say..tell me..

Arnav: khushi actually it's very complicate matter..I need you to be calm to hear this..actually it's about your pa...

His words cuts off by arjun's call..

Arjun: babhi your car come to pick up you..dadi maa called us and told us that they want you to be there soon..

Khushi smile at him and told him she is coming..then she took her purse and waited for arnav to finish his sentence..then he took a sigh and told her..

Arnav: Khushi I found your papa's diary..

Khushi:( wide her eyes out of surprise) what! Really..oh that's awesome..you don't know how much I dogged my mind thinking about that diary..thanks arnav..

Arnav: and khushi..I think you should read that..now.

Khushi: oh arnav I don't have time right now to read my papa's diary..you know I'm already late..it's here na..lets read his diary together after marraige finished..okay baby..now bye lets meet tomorrow..

She left the room after giving him tight hug..he look at her back helplessly..situation really not on his favour..how can he tell her that..he left to washroom frustrated way


At living room..khushi come to hall where everyone waiting for her..she greet everyone..then suddenly priyanka came down carrying her luggage..everyone surprised seeing that..when mami asked her ..

Khushi: I'm taking priyanka with me mami..she is well now and i think it's time for her to go obroi mansion..

They smile and agree with her half heartily..actually they really loved priyanka's presence here and want her to stay here more..then arjun Shyam helped them to load bags on car..all of family members came out to send them off..after hugging everyone priyanka bid bye to everyone..all the time akash staring priyanka..he really want to talk to her now.but he can't even get her look as all the time she avoiding him completely..she not ready look him..then both board to car.akash least expected her to look him now..but she turn her look to khushi and start to talk with her.he is very irritated my her this behaviour..but her can't blame her too..now it's all his fault..he is the reason for this situation..then car took off,,both obroi sisters took their leaves..akash look at their retreat figure with mixed feelings..


Hi darlings how is today episode ?

What you all think about adithya's diary revelation?

Now there just a day to go..what can happens ?

How will khushi react when she get the diary?

Tell me on comments ".


  1. now this revelation is something interesting .
    will be waiting for khushi and all the family's reaction.
    Update Soon...

  2. I thought nandini and shashi came into relationship after adithya's death but after knowing this side I don't want khushi to forgive them NEVER

  3. Awesone and khushi should read the diary without delaying.

  4. wow awesome update this revelation against death if aditya is shocking

  5. Expected something like this
    Just reveal it soon to Khushi n others

  6. I knew somehow both of them are responsible for Khushi's dad's death I am just eager for Khushi to know and then see what she does nice update loved it thank you

  7. Now this is something very interesting want to see what will be the reaction of family members and also want akash and priyanka's wedding

  8. Awesome update
    I hope Khushi read diary soon
    Eagerly waiting for your next update

  9. Nice update. Eager to know khushi'd reaction and action for what is written in dairy

  10. Interesting update waiting to know akash desicion

  11. Awesome update
    Khushi should get to know this
    Plz don't want any misunderstanding between arshi
    Eagerly waiting for next part
    Plz update soon

  12. Kushi ,Listen to Arnav or else it will be late .. nice update

  13. nice update Plz don't want any misunderstanding between arshi

  14. Finally diary thing revealed
    It's so shocking I thought after Aaditya's death they both come together but now Nandini being the reason for Aaditya's suicide
    It's a big blow
    Khushi should punish her so badly
    Diary words reflects Aaditya's pain , love, broken trust
    It's so painful
    Arnav too inform her about diary is a good thing
    Later khushi can't say he hide it
    Awsm update

  15. Some where expected this revelation hope kushi clears all the problems without hurting her❤️❤️❤️

  16. I also thought that adithya died in an accident but never thought that nandini & shashi are the reason.
    Plz make khushi read the diary before wedding & let priyanka get her love.. I don't want khushi to forgave them..
    Plz update soon.. Waiting for the storm.. Let's see what changes are coming

  17. Nice update. Waiting to know khushi's reaction when she comes to know the truth about her papa's death.

  18. Awesome dear i too thought like this waiting to know about khushi reaction

  19. Waiting fr khush to read the diary pls kick payal fm Akash life .pls help priyanka in marrying Akash.lets c how volcano is gng to burst after khush reads the diary

  20. Pls make Khushi read the diary soon
    Want to see her reaction

  21. Interesting Update

    It was shocking to know that Aditya is aware of Nandini and Shashi's relationship even before his death and Nandini being the reason for Oberio's loss of their loved one. Thought Nandini took the decision of getting married to Shashi after Aditya's death because of their past where they both loved each other but looks like Nandini started her affair behind her husband's back. Khushi's anger towards Nandini will be doubled and will for sure punish her for her deeds which is also justified and will never be forgiven by her own daughters. Glad Khushi never got to read the diary before Bhavya's marriage. If she did then both the sisters might not enjoy the occasion and will drown in their sorrows. Akash started to miss Priyanka as soon as she decided to leave. Hope Akash take a good decision before it is too late and he get married to Payal.

    Eager for the next one

  22. Awesome update waiting to see khushi's reaction to her papa's diary

  23. Awesome update
    Aditya 's story is sooo painful he was betrayed by his wife i think khushi won't forgive nandini and should punish her
    Eagerly waiting for next update and to see khushi's reaction to her papa's dairy

  24. Amazing nandini is responsible for aditya death waiting to know about khushi reaction

  25. nice update...
    tell the truth to all the members of both the family especially khushi, bhavya and their grandparents on their marriage day after revealing payal's greedy nature.
    want to khushi punishing them seriously and arnav supporting her.
    continue soon
    update next part quickly....

  26. finally the mystery of diary is revealed.
    continue the next part soon
    give a long maha update

  27. amazing. I'm very excited to see what will be the Khushi and family reaction after reading diary.

  28. Fabulous and fantastic update

  29. Big storm on the way in their life of guptas when truth will be out....i feel like this is short update then your regular update..can v expect another update this week?

  30. Shocked to know that Khushi's father committed suicide following his wife's betrayal.. don't know what will Khushi do to nandani.. Arnav tried.. but good he let her know about the diary..

  31. Nice update ..arnav doesn't have courage to tell khushi the truth? I thought he is ASR.. how can he is like this then..

    Khushi will show the hell to guptas..

    Looking forward

  32. will kushi know about this before or after marriage?whenever it will be huge blast.

  33. good update...
    let khushi and all the family members know the truth on the marriage day itself and also payal's greed.
    but after bhavya's marriage.
    what will khushi do to the guptas????
    next update????????

  34. diary mystery is revealed finally.
    what will be khushi's reaction??
    continue soon and give a long update

  35. Superb update. I think it was Sashi's plan when Adithya found them embracing. Nandini is just a trump card but he didn't expect that Khushi and bavia behaviours, that flopped his ugly plan to become rich. Please don't let misunderstanding between Arshi. Akash should leave Payal

  36. what will happen when truth is revealed?
    khushi's reaction???
    nice update

  37. next update is marriage or kushi's anger bomb?awesome whatever it is.


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