Deewanapan..chapter fifteen ✔️✔️

Next day,,khushi sitting on living room after finishing her dance class..both her papa and Nani making arrangements for her haldi rasam which arranged tomorrow..everything already ready for her haldi..she is totally happy about all events happening on her their just six days for her week she going to start her life as Mrs.khushi arnav singh raizada..her body feel some kind of vibration when she call herself like that.she smile thinking about her fiancé  or said naughty fiancé.these days he showing his naughty side to her too's really hard to control his dirty one believes her if she said arnav singh raizada who terrify everyone with his killer glare have such a naughty side inside him..of course she well know how much arrogant and hard person he is on business  world..but she feel amaze and lucky when think he is just being carefree and naughty only with her..she is indeed bless to get him as her soulmate..then she slowly went to her room to fresh up and to take a quick nap to release her tiredness...

She came out of washroom after having quick shower..when she turn after wiping her hair ,she jerked seeing arnav laying on her bed with sexy smirk..she clutch her towel knot tightly seeing his wild presence..he is again on her room,and again when she is just on towel..she wonder is she again left her room door open..then he got up from bed and slowly near her..

"Khushi I told you na,don't left you room door unlock next you can't blame me for entering inside without knocking.."...she gulp her saliva hearing his sexy voice..he well know how to rise her heat up..suddenly he carried her on arms and placed her on bed..she little panicked by his act.."arnavji what are you doing? "...he came top of her slowly and told her with husky voice.."I told you na,if you left your door unlocked next time I won't stop what I I'm going to do what I said."...she look at him with panicked face..she dumbstruck by his he really going to do what we did that day..soon her thoughts cut off when she feel his hot mouth on her long neck..she shirk feeling his mouth on her wet he didn't go slowly or patiencely..his action speaking some kind of urge and wildness..he sucked her neck deeply and opened knot of her towel..she totally lost on his acts and completely became submission to his aroma..she didn't realise he lowered the towel from her upper parts and took her one melon to his sexy wet mouth.."ahhh..arnavvvvv"...she moan out loudly..he smirk hearing her moans and increased his suck on her milky breasts..she grips his thick hair and try to control her loud moans..but he not let her do that..he parted her thighs with his free hand and slowly touched her pride..she moaning loudly feeling his hand straightly on her flower..he truly doing everything beyond thinking..he fingered her flower and try to get a entry inside her flower bud..she screaming loudly feeling his sexy act..."arnavvvv''s too much..ahh please no.."..but he didn't give hear to her pleads,.he just did what he want..soon she saw they both fully naked and he covered theme self with bedsheet..he look at her with hotness smile.."get ready going to explore peek of intimacy."..she moan hearing his words..soon he prepared her to enter..when he try to enter inside her suddenly she hear sharp ringtone of her phone..but she is not in the state to answer..but it's pricking her ears sharply..slowly she felt little consious..wait conscious ? Soon everything went blank...

Khushi got up from her short nap breathing hardly..she try to get the normal breath..what the hell is that..she recall her dream,or said wet dream..she cant believe she dreamed something too intimate...first time on her life she got such s dream..she saw her whole body turn into tomato red..she just went to small sleep after had shower..but see what this sleep turn out to be..most shocking thing is she got such a dream on fully day time..she really embarrassed about her dream..but she can't deny how much hot and intimate that dream was..she blush at her own thinking..suddenly she snap out hearing her phone ring..she took it quickly and answered.

Khushi: hello !!

Kumud: khushi ki bacchi!!..where the hell are you damn many times I called you..did you lost your ears when dancing ?

Khushi sigh hearing her bestie angry yelling.she took a look on phone and saw there many calls from kumud,,now how can she tell her ,she missed her call cause she lost on too wet dream..then she composed her hyper state and told her calmly..

Khushi: I'm sorry kumud..I'm sleeping when you called know I'm just tired cause of all recent events..sorry yaar..

kumud:oh okay okay..accha listen I called you to say lets go to shopping today..I still didn't purchased my dress for your haldi don't say no.I'll reach there within five minutes ,be ready..

Now all khushi can do agree with her demand...then she cut the call..but khushi still state of shock after her wet dreams..her totally mind just blank cause of it..she can't think anything expect that..and she know it's all because of that raizada..he is reason for her this dilemma state..she pout angrily cursing him for putting herself on such a state..

Khushi: arnav Singh's all because of you..because of your dirty just mixed my mind with your dirty thoughts..I won't leave you easily for spoiling my innocent mind with your shameless talk..

she scold him angrily on herself..but soon smile thinking her's true this happened because of him..but she can't deny its fully happened cause he have huge effect on in anyhow her day won't end without thinking about him...she then got ready to go mall with least for sometime mr.raizada let her have some decent state of mind...


Next day...

Khushi getting ready on her room..everyone already arrived for her haldi rasam..she got ready wearing yellow lehenga choli with flower design jewels..kumud helping her on getting ready..she made her hair to mermaid style and pinned flower on her hair..she looking really gorgeous on her attire..soon she took khushi to downstair..

her haldi rasam arranged beautifully in outdoor..her whole house decorated with flowers and there beautifully decorated swing waiting for her to sit,..shashi and Nani smiling with whole heart seeing her like this..soon Nani and kumud make her sit on decorated swing and started the rasam...everyone applied haldi on her and blessed her happily,,shashi applied haldi on her face with little moist's was his biggest dream to do all this rasam to his baby when it's happening he feeling really emotional..right now he missing his wife very much she might be happy today if she alive now..they both together might be cheering their daughter wedding..he successfully covered his tears and blessed her with all love of this world..after all elders finished applying haldi..kumud bath her with haldi paste with other girls gang..she totally covered by haldi..just like she want her haldi rasam going with full swing...


At malik mansion..

after arnav throwing all tantrum..finally he agreed to get haldi apply on his face..and he never thought dadi will call their close relatives for his haldi rasam..he really don't like the idea to sit on living room shirtless middle of all aunties of their's totally awkward moment..he really don't like this idea of getting haldi applied by all aunties..but he bearing all this after dadi's one statment..
"Arnav you need to agree for know there in bride house they need to apply your haldi on khushi's face..don't you want her to apply the haldi which covered your face"...that's it he agreed to do this yellow or haldi rasam..he can't miss the chance to make her apply the haldi which took it from his body or face..soon rasam started after pandit did some pooja..he sitting on bench with bored face..dadi come towards him with happy smile..she controlled her smile seeing her grandson grumpy's good she come to know he will do every task if we drag khushi's name on it..otherwise today he won't do this rasam..she took full paste on hands and applied on his face darkly..he closed his eyes irritably when that gold paste touched his face...then soon some relatives applied haldi on him lightly..arnav just sitting impatiently to run away to room after this rasam end...

abhishek witnessing all scenes happening in downstair with moist much he want to be part of his son's wedding rasam now..when he saw arnav getting haldi apply on his face,,his hands aching to apply haldi on him and bless him whole heartily..but he can't do anything..all he can do watching all this like third's all because of his past deeds..because of his sins on past today he is some third person on his own son life...he never told this out loud..but he always regret his past past he didn't think before doing that betrayal to his wife..he just committed that mistake without thinking about the consequences happens after that..his mind realised everything after he lost his wife..his wife who loved him whole heartily and never ever thought to make him hurt anyway..but he very badly repaid her because of all past deeds today he is no one to his son..there long tears fallen from his eyes..suddenly he feel someone wiped his tears..he turn and saw mohini looking him with broken reaction..she well understood what he going through..he try to be brave front of her,,but she clearly saw how much he looking broken..she cupped his face and asked him hurtfullly.

mohini: you regret all deeds you did on past don't you ? you regret meeting me on your life ..

abhishek: (broken voice) whatever happened in past..I can't blame anyone for it.its all happened cause of don't did anything wrong just like both are innocent's me started our affair in past betraying renu..and she lost her life because of because of my sins in past today I'm watching my own son's haldi rasam just like some third person..he is became cold heart because of's all happening because of me mohini..I'm the only person who need to blame here..not others..

her eyes moist seeing his broken state..she well know how much he loves arnav..he is first heir of his's true he loves their children equally but arnav always have special place in his life..he breakdown whenever arnav being cold towards..but it's all because of their deeds on past..he can't just blame him..even she is reason for renuka dead.even after knowing he is husband and father of two children she carried away their affair and had babies with him..that's time they didn't realised what they doing..and when they realize its already too late..she saw he looking towards arnav with longing eyes..she wiped his tears and told him comforting way..

abhishek: don't lose hope abhishek..everything will be alright one day..mark my words day arnav going to forgive us and going to bond with you again,same way he used to be in childhood..don't lose hope.

abhishek:( sad smile) I really wish whatever you said turn out to be true..all I want to hear him calls me papa again on my life..I'm desperately waiting for him to accept me again and call me papa again..but I know about him mohini..he is not the same arnav who loved me dearly on he is someone who is not less then any monster..he won't even feel single dip  pain if I passed away..his heart just a stone when come to me..and I'm sad to say this,,but he became like this cause of me.because of my betrayal..but somewhere I still wish he accept me again forgetting all bitter memories..I need my son mohini..I need my son..

she cried seeing his broken state..she took him to comforting's really hurting to see him on such a state..she really wish to see this both son and father be together again..she prayed to devimayya make this house blossom again with happiness..

Other side arjun angrily looking everything happening in downstair..his eyes burning seeing arnav doing his haldi rasam..if he didn't come in middle of khushi and him,today he might be celebrating his haldi rasam..he just took away the life he deserve to get..but no he won't let arnav grab the life he deserve..

arjun: I won't let you win over me arnav..I deserve to get this happiness..I deserve to get this life.khushi need to became my wife..I won't let you make her yours..she need to be mine..and I'll make her mine..I won't let this marriage happen..lets see who win this won't get her..and I won't let you..

he glare arnav with deep hate and anger...he won't let him have the life he wished to anyhow he will separate arnav Singh raizada from khushi's life..he went to plot his plan..but no one knows what destiny planned for them..lets see..


Hi guys how is today episode ?

What you all think about arjun plan ?

Will he success on his mission or like usually arnav act faster then him?

what you all think about future episodes?

Tell me your all thoughts on comments..and guys like I always say I'll never ever separate arshi on any moment..who all scared about they might be separation in future ,please don't worry they nothing going to happen like that..instead on of there many unexpected twists waiting to just chill..

so guys give me your all knows here you all can't I want at leases 150 comments for giving the next comment more and get the update soon..


  1. yr with every passing update I m actually worked up due to arjun yr but your last statement provided some relief that arshi will have no separation
    awesome update dear
    you are a fabulous writer I loved every bit of it
    please update soon

  2. Ye arjun gadha...kab sudhrega...anyway amazing update... But abhishek 's two children with renuka? First Arnav to second kon hai??? I didn't get it.

  3. awesome update eagerly waiting for next update

  4. Beautiful update 😊....loved the way you showed ARSHI blooming telarelation and khushi's dream😍😍😍😍😍 I really hate Abhishek and mohini here and no wonder Arjun is so evil, because he is their son

  5. abhisheik and renuka had two children if one is Arnav then the other one. did anything happened to that child

  6. Nice update...arjun convert mad completely... Due to his madness he can't see right or wrong... waiting for next update soon

  7. Amazing
    Waiting for arshi moments

  8. Fabulous update
    Abhishek have 2 children with Renuka
    No I didn't think arjun will be able to able to create any problem because arnav and Khushi destiny never separate them

  9. Lovely update .........! ☺☺

  10. loved it ...plz Don't let anything separate arshi ....amazing update

  11. I'm really eager to know what will happen next n what is arjun planning to do n how will our arnav yet again defeat him in his own plan. Plzz updatw soon eagerly waiting for next update ❤

  12. Arjun is not ready to back out.. well just hope Arnav have taken care of Khushi's security.. loved the update.. Thanks..

  13. Don't let Arnav forgive his so called father Abhishek and that mohini... also Arnav should teach this good for nothing arjun a good lesson that too in front of everyone.

  14. Fabulous update..

  15. arnav's father and his family very awful i didn't love them and i hope arnav didn't forgive them they didn't deserve forgiveness

  16. Lovely update.... But I just want to see all the twists post marriage, beacause this Arjun guy is no more sane..... And I am a little bit doubtful about this Mohini character as well is she grey or not.... Can't wait for more updates......

  17. I could careless about abishek and mohinaskimg for forgiveness now won't bring Arnav's childhood 0r his mother back.

  18. Amazing one
    Loved the update
    khushi is so much affected by arnav's talk she starting to have wet dreams about them. dream was hot. dadi knew how to get arnav agree for the haldi rasam using khushi's name. thought arnav is the only child of abhishek and renuka but why did abhishek say he has two children with renuka. what happened to the other child. how much ever abhishek regrets now about his deed it is too late because arnav lost so much along with his mother so he will never ever forgive him. arjun will never learn from his mistake he started to plan another one to separate arnav and khushi. he is becoming mentally insane and obsessed with khushi day by day. until arnav teach him a good lesson and expose his deeds infront of everyone he will not stop his evil acts.
    eager for the next one

  19. Awesome update. I hope like last time tho Tim also arnav makes arjun's plan backfire and arshi marriage happens withput any pblms

  20. I really don't want arnav to forgive abhishek and mohini ever...Never ever...This mutt arjun is going to die some day��������...

    1. How to make these fonts smaller??

  21. Such an aeeawes episode...loved it...hoping to read Ur next episode quickly...

  22. Not saying anything about future stories coz u r amazing writer n u will do it better than anyone else and I love this update as usual I am eager for next one hope u update soon

  23. Abhishek and Mohini doesn't deserve Arnav's forgiveness
    I don't want Khushi be the mediator, she should be with Arnav.
    Arjun whatever he plans will be a failure

  24. Nice update...dont let arnav forgive his father n mohini n her kids ....they should suffer the worst..... let arshi , her father , nani n arnav's dadi be one happy family minus the betrayers.....

  25. Superb update...for a moment feltarnav is really in khushi's room...their love is increasing...

    It's too late to retreat for Arvind mohini..

    Looks like that evil isn't learn his lesson..looking fwd how arshi punish him

  26. It's nice update. And waiting for their marriage.

  27. superb update........ write more romantic moments and nok jhoks between arnav and khushi...

  28. nice update......... continue soon......

  29. Please update soon, waiting to see how will their marriage happen and what will Arnav do with arjun

  30. Okay
    So I'm Swasaniarshi here
    Sorry for late comment what to do now only after visiting this site again made me realise addition of two parts .
    Can't you notify us on watty wherever you'll post here
    Pls do it
    Coming to update
    Khushi's dream was super hot , poor girls innocent mind get corrupted cause of arnav
    Coming to Abhishek & Mohini , after breaking a woman , destroying boy's childhood , they don't have any right to ask forgiveness , nor they deserve it
    Arjun should really get very big punishment soon

  31. Hey actually I'm not able to read chapter 16 of deewanapan

  32. Nice update hope Arnav gets this Arjun out of their life so he doesn't create any problem thanks for the update

  33. Such a shameless women mohini....with arnav n ever ggorgive his f ather....n arjun tot in hell


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